There is a theory, why in 6 episode "Vanda / Vizhn" Agnes said Vizhnin truth

There is a theory, why in 6 episode
BB Agnes

Frame from the series "Wanda / Vyzhn" The series Disney + "Wanda / Vizhn" again surprised. In 6 episodes there were many mysterious moments, but a scene with Agnes could have been confused. However, we have the theory, which means the words of heroine Catherine Khan really.


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In the new series, VIZHN (Paul Betthan) went to explore the territory of the opposite and look for the border of this Sitkomalia to cross it and go into the real world. On the road, he found out that those residents of the town, which are outside the attention of the scarlet Witch / Vanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen), as if standing on the pause. At some point, the synthesoid met the friendly neighbor of Agnes.

Even at the start of the series "Wanda / Vijn", many Marvel fans suggested that Agnes is a wizard of Agatha Harkness, which in comics turns out to mentor Vanda. Even the name of Agnes, as it were, hints at the true personality of the heroine ("AG" - Agatha, "carried" - Harkness). In the original material, Agata is closely related to the history of the confrontation of the Vanda and the Marvel version of the devil Mephisto, who, according to numerous theories and rumors, is the secret villain "Vanda / Vizhn". There is even the assumption that in the series Agnes helps Mephisto.

However, in the new series, VIZHN awakened real Agnes from the influence of Vanda and even more realized that she was a victim of this illusion. Moreover, the heroine told him that he was part of the Avengers and died. Is Agnes really not a villain?

There is a theory, why in 6 episode

Frame from the series "Wanda / Vizhn"

Most likely, we still have the truth of Agata Harchess, and the decision to reveal Vierne the truth is part of the plan. Children of Vanda and Vihno in Marvel comics were created from Mephisto's soul particles, which then wished to absorb twins. It is likely that he also wants to return his strength to the show in this way, and at the same time they satisfied with the magic of scarlet witches. Everything that happens in the Sitkom zone is also aimed at ensuring that boys have grown as quickly as possible and become strong so that Mephisto began to be more cooler when they will absorb them. Agatha is doing everything possible so that the process proceeds successfully, because of the time "on time" visits the family, even the dead PSA Sparaka showed children so that they want to grow early!

It's strange that only Agnes could answer the questions of Vizhn, while all the other people outside the reach of Vanda did not react to him. Most likely, Agnes only pretended to convince Vizhn to break out the sake of the sake of Sports Salvation, thereby reducing Billy to show their abilities, and Wanda - to expand the borders of the new reality. Alternative mercury (Evan Peters), which many consider secret Mephisto, meanwhile inspired Tommy to disclose his supersyl.

There is a theory, why in 6 episode

Frame from the series "Wanda / Vizhn"

Of course, it is impossible to deny the fact that Agnes can be a good character. Suddenly she just wants to help Wanda and Vierz and trying not to disclose himself with a true antagonist. However, the fact that it is a powerful sorcerer, has already become almost obvious. Agnes "comes out of the role" right on the eyes of Vanda and Vizhn, it does not "hang" completely like other residents, and "M.E.Ch.a" does not have a heroine data, which is visible on a blackboard with information about the inhabitants.

By the way, in this episode there was very mysterious advertising, we disassembled it in detail here. Probably, this is a hint of the main secret of history and villain.

Premiere 7 episode of the series "Wanda / Vizhn" Jacqueline Schaeffer is scheduled for February 19.

See also: "Wanda / Vizhn": the most bold experiment of the film marvel


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