Cheap and angry: 5 countries, rest in which will cost a penny


Arriving to rest in a new country for myself, each of us wants to get a maximum of impressions, trifting all the dishes of local cuisine, inspected all popular sights and, finally, swimming on all beaches. But the problem is that tourists-oriented entertainment are often exorbitantly expensive, so in pursuit of emotions there is a risk suddenly empty her wallet. Avoid this, however, you can, choosing a country from our Top of budget places to travel, where you can relax is really cheap.

India (Goa)

Cheap and angry: 5 countries, rest in which will cost a penny 5696_1

A favorite direction for all connoisseurs of Goa exotic is for a long time. And not in vain, because this Indian state combines everything that is needed for an excellent rest during that period when cold is raped in our lands: a warm ocean, a hospitable population, a delicious kitchen and, of course, cheap prices, food and entertainment.

Previously, we also talked about 5 rules of life in Japan, which seem to us

Indonesia (Bali)

Cheap and angry: 5 countries, rest in which will cost a penny 5696_2

Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to get to Bali, because this miracle island is just 1500 kilometers from Australia, everyone dreams of everybody. And not least the reason for this is a comparative cheapness of rest. For example, dinner in local cafes often costs no more than 250 rubles, the day of rental scooter will also cost just a couple of hundred, and for the entrance to any sight assesses, as a rule, 75-100 rubles.


Cheap and angry: 5 countries, rest in which will cost a penny 5696_3

If you focus on vacation in more familiar places, Georgia will become an excellent choice. About the accommodation of local residents, legends are found, so to visit this country and stay without pleasant impressions seems to be simply impossible. But most of all tourists, of course, please the pleasant prices for everything, ranging from travel in transport for 10 rubles and ending with a dense dinner for two for 500 rubles.

Not so long ago, we wrote about 7 dangerous places on our planet, who mounted tourists


Cheap and angry: 5 countries, rest in which will cost a penny 5696_4

As for the budget recreation in Europe, in this category the palm of the championship holds Hungary, and to be more accurate, then Budapest literally overcrowded to the sights. Tourism here is an important branch of the economy, so local authorities do everything to attract as many travelers as possible. There are also special prices for travel in transport, and constant discounts for visiting museums, and an abundance of cheap, but neglected hotels and hostels. And this is not speaking of indecently low for Europe prices in a cafe.


Cheap and angry: 5 countries, rest in which will cost a penny 5696_5

Relax inexpensively, but very interesting and saturated, by the way, it is possible on the African continent. Throwing Egypt with domestic tourists to be replaced, you can stop your attention to Morocco. This country for unknown reasons still remains on the side of world tourism, although in a sense for travelers it is a plus. Due to the fact that the country is not yet spoiled by visitors, the primordial Arabic flavor is preserved in Morocco, and prices are pleased with their availability.

We also wrote about how to save money and at the same time live gorgeous

And in which country would you like to visit? Talk about it in the comments.

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