The Law of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses Amendments


The Law of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses Amendments

The Law of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses Amendments

Astana. 20th of March. KazTAG - President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev signed amendments to the law on administrative offenses, said Akord.

"The head of the state signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On Amendments to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses "," said in Saturday.

In particular, as previously reported, the changes affected Article 90 (the admission of discrimination in the field of labor) want to add parts 2-1 and 2-2 of the following content:

"2-1. The assumption of the directing side of discrimination in the field of labor, expressed in violation of the right of the employee of the Directory Party to pay not lower than the size of the major wages of employees of the host parties for labor for a similar position, relevant qualifications, specialty or profession, complexity, quantity and quality of work performed, and production - Incidental conditions in accordance with the contract for the provision of personnel provision services, it entails a fine on small businesses or non-commercial organizations - in the amount of thirty, on the subjects of medium-sized businesses - in the amount of sixty, on the subjects of large enterprise - in the amount of one hundred monthly calculation indicators.

2-2. The action provided for by part 3-1 of this article was performed again during the year after the imposition of administrative recovery -

It entails a fine on officials, small business entities or non-commercial organizations in the amount of sixty, on the subjects of secondary entrepreneurship - in the amount of eighty, on the subjects of large entrepreneurship - in the amount of one hundred and twenty monthly settlement indicators. "

"Due to the introduction of this Law (" On Amendments to Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the provision of services for the provision of personnel "- KazTAG) of new concepts" Guide Party "," Takey Party ", and the consolidation of the rights and obligations of these parties It is necessary to provide measures for administrative responsibility for non-compliance with the parties to the legal rights and interests of employees, "it is stated in an explanatory note to the bill.

So, according to the explanation, in order to avoid discrimination on the remuneration of workers of the Directory, compared with the host employees, for a similar position, relevant qualifications, specialty or profession, as well as working conditions and the same work amount, "administrative responsibility is proposed, which will allow to discipline the guide Side as when concluding an agreement for the provision of personnel services and during its action. "

"Along with this, the time of working time and recreation time of employees of the guide party is determined by the host party. Currently, there is no administrative responsibility of the host for the illegal excess of the normal and reduced duration of working time and daily work (work shift), provided for by the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to employees of the Directory. In this regard, it is also proposed to eliminate the specified gap in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers of borrowed labor (director), "the developers of the amendments explained.

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