Birtanov extended the term of the arrest earlier, it is possible to exclude lighting in the media - lawyer


Birtanov extended the term of the arrest earlier, it is possible to exclude lighting in the media - lawyer

Birtanov extended the term of the arrest earlier, it is possible to exclude lighting in the media - lawyer

Astana. February 22. KazTAG - the former Minister of Health of Kazakhstan, Ezhhan Birtanov, extended the term of home arrest, said the lawyer of the ex-head of the Ministry of Health Dmitry Kuryachenko.

"Suddenly, for everyone, the investigation initiated the extension of home arrest. Much earlier - on February 12, 2021, the court extended to the end of March. Perhaps this was done to eliminate the coverage of extension in the media. Also, I have been applying to the President of the country to Tokayev Kasym-Zhomarta Kemevich, with a request to understand the illegal persecution of Birtanova, but I am afraid that my appeal will not allow his eye, "Kuryachenko said KazTag on Monday.

Recall, on October 31, 2020, the inforished source of Mia Kaztag confirmed the detention of the ex-minister of Helzhan Birtanov to the KazTAG agency. On November 3, it became known that the court sanctioned the arrest of the former minister, but already on November 7, it turned out that Birtanova was released under house arrest. According to the preliminary version, the ex-chapter of the Ministry of Health is suspected of the embezzlement of funds in the amount of about T526 million, which were highlighted for digitalization.

From the post of Minister Erzhan Birtanova, President of Kazakhstan Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev released on June 25. His resignation was preceded by numerous health scandals associated with the coronavirus pandemic - scandals were accompanied by numerous victims among the population from COVID-19. His place was taken by Alexey Tsoi. Then followed by a few more layoffs from high posts.

On July 10, at an expanded meeting of the Government of Tokayev, in connection with the situation with the coronacrisis, he instructed to dismiss the managers of FSHS and "SC-Pharmacy", and if necessary, to investigate. According to the head of state, everyone wants to work in "SC-Pharmacy", "clan interests are some around this organization." In addition, he noted that in the FOMS "you need to put a more business and less glamorous person." On the evening of July 10, it became known that Huumagulov had left the post of head of the Fom, and Berik Sharip - the heads of "SC-Pharmacy". As he celebrated on July 10, Mia KazTag, Sharip became the second head of the "SC-Pharmacy" for three years, dismissed after the criticism of the President - February 4 After the criticism of the first president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, the post of head of the company left Nurzhan Alibaev.

As it became known on July 12, the new Chairman of the Board "SC-Pharmacy" was appointed Yerkhat Iskaliyev.

A month after the recommendation of the Head of State on the investigation, and more precisely on August 1, it became known that the Vice-Minister of Health of Kazakhstan Olzhas Abishev was detained by the Economic Investigation Service of the Financial Monitoring Committee on suspicion of theft of budget funds. On August 2, the Committee's press service confirmed the detention of the vice-minister. On August 3, the Minister of Health Aleksey Tsoi reported that Abishev weekly filed a declaration of dismissal. On June 5, it became known that the former deputy head of the Ministry of Health could be involved in the predation of $ 1.5 million.

Initially, Abishev was suspected of the embezzlement of T127 million. Then another source clarified these figures: "In fact, the established amount of the alleged embezzlement is $ 1.5 million at the rate of 2018, it was considered more than T0.5 billion." By the way, the last amount coincides with the one that at this time is voiced in the Birtanova case. According to the preliminary version, the ex-chapter of the Ministry of Health is suspected of the embezzlement of funds in the amount of about T526 million, which were highlighted for digitalization.

Two weeks after the arrest of Abishev, the former Chairman of the Board of SC-Pharmacy LLP was arrested on charges of corruption. The case was established on the fact of abuse of powers when purchasing medical devices in the emergency period, entailed grave consequences.

In early December, it became known that documents from the case of Birtanova and Abishev in 2015 signed the current head of the Ministry of Health Alexey Tsoi, which was then the vice-minister.

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