How 10+ would look like our favorite films if they were decided to remove today in Hollywood


We often reflect on how overseas kinherogi could look like if our actors played. And now we wanted to imagine how foreign stars watched in friends since childhood, if on the "Dream Factory" suddenly decided to screen our films with a new acting.

We in held a thorough casting of all Hollywood celebrities, which, in our opinion, would ideally come to the role of popular and acquaintances to all of us Kinoheroev. We did all the reincarnations, taking into account the makeup, which would make actors a little more similar to the characters of the legendary film.

1. Chris Hemsworth - Gennady Petrovich Khodoev, Samuel L. Jackson - Lyolik, "Diamond Hand"

How 10+ would look like our favorite films if they were decided to remove today in Hollywood 5503_1
© Mosfilm Diamond / Film Studio, © Lumeimages, Pacificcoastnews / East News, © Mary Evans / Allstar / Graham Whitby Boot / East News, © FaceApp

2. Nicole Kidman - Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina, Tom Cruise - Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsy, "Service Roman"

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© Mosfilm Studio Studio, © Derek Storm / Everett Collection / East News, © / East News, © FaceApp

3. Jennifer Aniston - Ekaterina Alexandrovna Tikhomirova, Keanu Rivz - Georgy Ivanovich, "Moscow does not believe in tears"

How 10+ would look like our favorite films if they were decided to remove today in Hollywood 5503_3
© Moscow tears does not believe / film studio "Mosfilm", © o'connor / / Mega / Mega Agency / East News, © Michael Tran / Sipa USA / East News, © FaceApp

4. Ann Hathaway - Nadezhda Vasilyevna Sheveleva, Leonardo DiCaprio - Evgeny Mikhailovich Lukashin, "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry!"

How 10+ would look like our favorite films if they were decided to remove today in Hollywood 5503_4
© Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry! / Mosfilm's film studio, © Gregorio T. Binuya / Everett Collection / East News, © Sipa USA / Sipa USA / East News, © FaceApp

5. Emilia Clark - Nina, Robert Pattinson - Shurik, "Caucasian Captive, or New Adventures of Shurik"

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© Caucasian Captain, or New Adventures Shurik / Mosfilm Studio, © Elizabeth Goodenough / Everett Collection / East News, © Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / Mega Agency / East News, © FaceApp

6. Chris Evans - Valentin Petrovich Vorobyov, Robert Downey - Jr. - Nikolay Sergeevich Balls, "Old Men's Rogues"

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© Mosfilm Mosfilm Studio Studies, © Grosby Group / East News, © Xavier Collin / Everett Collection / East News, © FaceApp

7. Brad Pitt - Nestor Petrovich North, Charlize Theron - Svetlana Afanasyevna, "Big Change"

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© Big Change / Mosfilm Studio, © Elizabeth GOODENOUGH / Everett Collection / East News, © Angela Weiss / AFP / East News, © FaceApp

8. George Clooney - Ivan Vasilyevich Buncha, Ryan Reynolds - Georges Miloslavsky, "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"

How 10+ would look like our favorite films if they were decided to remove today in Hollywood 5503_8
© Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession / Film Studio "Mosfilm", © Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / Bwp Media / East News, © David Longendyke / Everett Collection / East News, © FaceApp

9. Johnny Depp - Gavril Petrovich Sheremetyev, Nicholas Cage - Fedor Petrovich Ermakov, Tom Hardy - Vasily Alibabaevich Ali-Baba, "Gentlemen of Good luck"

How 10+ would look like our favorite films if they were decided to remove today in Hollywood 5503_9
© Gentlemen Good luck / Mosfilm Studio, © Anita Bugge / Geisler-Fotopress / Dpa / East News, © Mary Evans / Allstar / Graham Whitby Boot / East News, © Photoshot / Reporter / East News, © FaceApp

10. Johnny Depp - Coward, Ryan Gosling - Balbes, Hugh Jackman - Caucasian, "Caucasian Captive, or New Shurik's Adventures"

How 10+ would look like our favorite films if they were decided to remove today in Hollywood 5503_10
© Caucasian Captive, or New Shurik Adventures / Mosfilm Film Studio, © Anita Bugge / Geisler-Fotopress / DPA / East News, © AFP / East News, © Ron Adar / M10s / Mega / MEGAA / East News, © FaceApp

11. Reese Witherspoon - Susanna, Melissa McCarthy - Hope Klyuev, "The most charming and attractive"

How 10+ would look like our favorite films if they were decided to remove today in Hollywood 5503_11
© Mosfilm's most attractive / film studio, © Grosby Group / East News, © Lumeimages / Sipa / Sipa / East News, © FaceApp

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