How to pass the leaders of the Ugra "Ugra" leading

How to pass the leaders of the Ugra
How to pass the leaders of the Ugra "Ugra" leading

Journalists tell about how the Ugra is struggling with coronavirus. Special reports from the "Red Zone", the plots of doctors and people who have encountered infection. Faced her and they. Literally. Information service PCC "Ugra" at different times of COVID-19. Journalists felt all the consequences of the disease that still give to know about themselves.

Dmitry Svarecin - the face of the TV channel "Ugra". Leads news, sports heading, relieves the plots and writes an interview. COVID-19 Out of its autumn last year. Temperature, headache, weakness. Sometimes there was no strength to even climb from the bed. The disease leaks hard. Pneumonia hit lightly. To fully cope with Coronavirus, it took about a month. Consequently fights so far. First of all, with fatigue.

Dmitry Svarvitsyn, journalist Pulk "Ugra": "The first recommendation of the doctors was to breathe fresh air. And here the difficulties began. I live on the 4th floor. And the very first one descend down. Everything. Ended forces. I went out of the entrance and I understand that I will not go anywhere else - neither home or around the house. My first walk - just went to the porch. I stood a little, breathed air. With grief in half, returned to the apartment and did not get up with the sofa until the next morning. "

In addition, it was necessary to restore breathing. On the first efforts, Dmitry lacked air to read. And this is very important for correspondents and leading on television.

"To my surprise, the first course of treatment is respiratory gymnastics. The doctor first recommended engaging at home with a balloon. These are some exercises. How to inflate, breathing delay so that the lungs began to fully work, function and straighten. Then, when he already came to the LFC, there was another course of exercises, where it was necessary to perform respiratory gymnastics with inclons and turns, "recalls Dmitry.

If Dmitry has to restore strength and respiration, the chef editor and the leading Elena Kielyan smell. She got coronavirus for the same autumn. The first two weeks did not feel tastes and smells.

Elena Kilan, journalist PCC "Ugra": "Garlic, onions, coffee - all this was completely unavailable for me. That is, I could feel sharpness, burns like garlic, but did not feel his taste and smell at the same time. At that moment I was very afraid that I could eat some kind of food, because I also did not feel that I could blame a little food, so I tried to eat only fresh food. "

Kovid has long been gone, but the smell was not fully restored.

Another our journalist is Sofia Issak. She fought with Cowid at the end of last summer. The symptoms were typical: temperature, headache, cough, smell loss, difficult breathing. Unlike colleagues, the disease proceeded not so hard. But there was one exceptional circumstance.

Sofia Isaac, a journalist Pulk "Ugra": "I was pregnant at that time. It was the first trimester. I remember the doctors learned that I was pregnant, could not say how the disease would leak, which consequences could be. Really at that time was scary. I was afraid of my child. Unknown disease. No one could know what will happen. Now my child is 2.5 months old. And even the doctors were interested. My personal doctor asked: "Are you all right?" We learn this question. In general, I can say that everything is fine. " By the way, even self-insulation did not interfere with the "Ugra" journalists to do their job. In May, Coronavirus was suspected of Coronavirus in Surgut. Doctors took tests from journalists and sent to mandatory self-insulation. Cowid was not confirmed, and our colleagues removed the plot about what they did on the remote. Olga Prankha, a journalist Pulk "Ugra": "We have insulation is very cozy and warm, we read books with a child, put the flowers, we study what they did not have time to study during working days. Everything is somehow comfortable, calmly and quietly passes. And these days, probably lacked in a year, on vacation in order to just be with his family. " Probably, everyone now has a friend, a colleague or acquaintance who got a coronavirus. Someone himself met with the Cowid face to face. This year we lived in a new reality. Reality, which, nor looking at anything, was filled with events. And journalists otfs "Ugra" told you about them every day.

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