In Ukraine, the scandal broke out due to the Swedish book about same-sex sex


According to the editor, it contains "unsafe tips"

In Ukraine, the scandal broke out due to the Swedish book about same-sex sex 5455_1

According to, the Kiev Publishing House "Knogolav" became the epicenter of the scandal due to the work of the Swedish writer Inti Chavez Peres entitled "Respect. Guys about love, sex and harmony, "which will be released in Ukraine in May 2021. For the first time, the book of the writer and the sex teacher was published in his homeland in 2018. Later the right to "respect. Guys about love and sex "sold in 19 countries of the world. It is known that the author of the work is a member of the Swedish Agency for the Affairs of Youth and Civil Society, and also teaches sex education for adolescents in educational institutions.

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The first head of the scandalous book begins like this: "Do I have a normal member?". Total in "respect. Guys about love and sex »Ten chapters, including dedicated male sexuality, porn, gender organ, heterosexual and same-sex sex. It is reported that "Knikolav" received a guarantor of the European organization "House of Europe" to publish this book. The publisher decided to edit the work and exclude excerpts from it in which we are talking about same-sex sexual relations. Anna Topilo, translator "respect. Guys about love and sex, "spoke out against it, than provoked the conflict with the editor of Julia Yarmolenko in social networks.

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Topilina published a post in the personal Instagram account, which announced that its translation began to edit a "lady-sexologist". According to the girl, Inti Chavis Perez, the author of the book, does not know about the intention of the Ukrainian publishing house to reduce his work. In the personal Twitter account, the writer clarified that it would not agree to similar edits.

I get a lot of messages from one of the countries where a major infoenser conducts a campaign for removing information about the LGBT community from my book "Respect." As a copyright holder, I will say that this will not happen. - Inti Chavez Perez, Swedish writer, teacher of puberty.

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Later, Yulia Yermolenko explained his position regarding the translation of the book. According to her, we are talking only about the recommendations, although earlier the editor reported on the removal of the section, where "describes sex between adolescents of one sex." The woman clarified that she was embarrassed by the moment in which the boys were recommended "to develop an anal hole with a sevenrous carrot placed in a condom" and described the "preparation recipe". According to Yermolenko, such advice is unsafe.

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Also, the editor clarified that the call to wear LGBT symbolism to find a partner and demonstrate belonging to the community, may be dangerous, since in Ukraine "for it may even kill." Representatives of "Knoteclav" emphasized that they insist on changes in translation. Svetlana Paveletskaya, a rejuvenator of the publisher, told on the personal page on Facebook that publishing a book in an unnewned form is unsafe. The woman stressed that she supported the position of Yulia Yermolenko.

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In the book it is written that if you want to test your orientation, put on LGBT symbolism and pass around the city. I do not want to be responsible for the 14-15-year-old boy, who will be in Troyeschina, Otradnaya or in the industrial area of ​​the horns, and instead of orientation, check the strength of the skull. - Svetlana Paveletskaya, co-founder of the publishing house "Knogolav".

Paveletskaya clarified that if they did not agree with the author of edits in his book, the work would not be published, and the money allocated for these purposes will return the grantor. Earlier, the Central News Service wrote that in Russia from the British gay drama "Supernova" with Colin Entrit cut out the scene with same-sex sex.

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