Sister Jack Nicholson actually his mom


From reporters do not hide anything! These regions learned that in fact Mother Jack Nicholson was his so-called sister. She gave birth to a guy at the age of 17, and asked her mother to bring up Jack. Thus, the famous actor raised her grandmother, and the real mother was pretended to sister. As in a soap opera! Jack found out about this world movie star at 37, when there was no one alive.

John Joseph Nicholson (Real Jack's real name) was born in 1937 in New York, in childhood he lived in New Jersey. His owner of the beauty salon Ethel May Nicholson brought up. Ethel called herself at Mom, and Jacka - her son. Jack did not have any doubts about Jack's maternal love.

About his father really did not say anything. Alcoholic, gone from the family.

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Another horizon from time to time appeared as if the older sister of Jack - June Francis Nicholson, dancer and actress. Shortly after the birth of Jack, she left "Brother" and Mom, trying herself at the acting field.

At the Father's Council, Jack often applied to her husband of his aunt Lorein on nicknamed short.

Jack in 1954 at the age of 17 also left a family nest, filmed in Los Angeles.

In 1963, the "sister" of Jun was gone from cancer, in 1970, "by age" and "Mom" left.

A few years later (in 1974), when both defendants were no longer alive, Jack Nicholson went to the film train. Intelligent reporters tried to spread sensational and scandalous information about him.

One journalist was engaged in writing an article about the children's years of the Hollywood movie star, took an interview with eyewitnesses, recognized the history of the Jack's family. In Times, an article was published, where it was argued that, in fact, Mom Nicholson was just a joon who gave birth at 17, and Ethel is a grandmother.

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Naturally, Jack Nicholson was first in rage, did not believe in such bikes (later it began to relate to all this story in a philosovskoye).

The facts confirmed the second "sister" of Jack - Lorein, as well as the same short. In the telephone conversation "sister" burst into the tube. Almost 40-year-old deception opened. She, it turns out, not his sister, but aunt.

The biological uncomfortable mother - Jun - became a victim of not only the fears of shame, but also their ambitions. She dreamed of career actresses. I decided to study and mother escaped to New York. But something went wrong, the film fairs did not work, had to work as a dancer in the strip club (in a minor age!). He returned in half a year home, being deeply pregnant. Jun and herself did not know who the father of an unplanned child.

At first there were thoughts to get rid of the unplanned child, but since the family was religious, and the deadlines late, they decided to give birth. During pregnancy, a minor jun was decided to hide from the public data unlucky facts. Ethel and daughter went to Massachusetts to the Catholic Clinic of St. Vincent, away from the extra eyes. There is a future actor and born.

Returning, in order to avoid shame and give a Joon a chance for the future, to create a new personal life, Ethel took the role of mother for himself. Apparently, the documents also "led to the order", otherwise Jack would have learned everything earlier. In those years, this was still possible in the US. Government agencies have not yet been everywhere with their noses.

In principle, if you think about, nothing supercrimele, and not in life happens. Won, in Russia, in Russia, a significant part of children is brought up in same-sex families: "Mom + Grandma".

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By the way, after the publication of this sensational information, in 1975, several men rushed to prove that these were exactly the fathers of Jack. Still: In those years, Jack Nicholson was at the peak of popularity, rich and promising.

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