Betin: The main resource of the civil service is his team

Betin: The main resource of the civil service is his team 537_1

On March 4, within the framework of the series of round tables in Russia, the EXECUTIVE MPA - Strategies of Leadership in Management, implemented jointly by Ranjigs and the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, held a round table "Features of the transition of senior managers from the commercial sector to civil service."

In the opening of the word, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Public Service and Management (ISU RAKHIGS) Natalia Evticiyeva noted that the relevance of the topic of discussion is related to the fact that the so-called "career zigzag", the transition from a business in the department of civil service or vice versa - quite frequent phenomenon not only in Russia But in the whole of the modern world.

"People passing from one sphere to another often experience stress, even some cultural shock, but at the same time they become stronger because they acquire new competencies and become cross-functional specialists," she said.

Natalia Evtichieva thanked all the speakers participating in the round table and invited everyone to participate in future events, as well as the Executive MPA program.

Scientific Director of the Executive MPA - Management Strategy for Management, Scientific Director of the Moscow School of Practical Psychology, Professor MSU. M.V. Lomonosov, President of the Association of Business Psychologists, Member of the Expert Council of the Russian Psychological Society, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Tahir Bazarov marked a number of psychological problems of converting competencies during the transition from the commercial sector to the civil service.

The main clusters of competences, which recently "came" from business in public service are standard competences (necessary for the execution of specified functions), key (directly affecting the competitiveness of the organization) and leading (currently not obvious, but in the near future are designed Ensure the success of the organization).

Tahir Yusupovich also stopped at four levels of the competence of an employee and Model 3K, which logically links the needs and capabilities of universities, employers and specialists passing by post-poly retraining. Speaking about the model of professional management roles, the speaker stopped on the role of the managers and the organizer, especially emphasized the role of the administrator, for which conversion of business competencies in the transition to the Gossector undergoes the largest problems, since the administrative system in the public administration does not have signs of Agile.

"Obtaining new competencies can only personality," the speaker stressed. - Successful managers are inherent in: self-determination, self-organization and synchronicity. Synchronicity implies that they are in dance with time, fate, epoch. "

Dean of the Faculty of Assessment and Development of Management Personnel VCHSU Ravgigs, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Ilya Shebrikov shared observations that the periods of "State and Municipal Management" programs are growing in crisis for business and suggested that this is due to two reasons : On the one hand, the applicants consider the civil service more stable as a source of income, on the other, many see the possibility of personal development, participation in interesting projects, influence on important processes, etc. in the civil service.

The speaker spoke about these studies conducted in VCGU RANKHIGS, according to which the main differences in business and the public sector are best visible in relation to ambitions and self-esteem, the leadership VS of readiness for submission, types of motivation.

In particular, he noted that the structure of motivation in the public sector is fundamentally different than in business.

"GosSfer is not about money. In most cases, if you intend to remain an honest person, your income will at best be at the level of the lower boundary of the middle class. And the results of surveys show that monetary motivation from civil servants - in fifth place in the hierarchy of values, and as an incentive to work - in general in the fourth quarter.

Programs of professional retraining of civil servants of the highest level, operating in Ranjigs, are intended for ambitious people seeking to benefit by their country, "the speaker noted.

Andrei Betin, deputy governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, shared the opinion that it is necessary to go to the civil service, since it is greasy than business.

"Even at the level of the management of the subject, you already participate in solving problems that may affect the situation in the country," he said.

The speaker applied to his own experience of the application of business practices in the public sector:

"Only now, after working for three years, having passed a certain way, I can say with confidence that the changes need to be prepared and need to be controlled."

Turning to the system of motivation, Andrei Betin said that if you need to earn in business, then the civil service must be aware of how to make decisions as efficient as possible.

"He must consider the economy of the process, resources, budget opportunities. The financial system of motivation in the state government de facto is weak. It is necessary to come to the civil service not for money, but for serving yourself, his family, region, country, "he said.

On the other hand, it is important that in the civil service you can increase your capitalization.

"Being at the level of the subject of the Federation at a high position, you must understand the mass of the issues," he shared. - It can not not inspire. I am a year ago and today - these are two different people. "

Deputy Governor noted:

"The main resource of the civil service is his team. It is necessary to invest in your team, its development, then we can receive good results in public administration. In order to build a ship, you do not need to buy building materials, tools and technologies, but you need to charge people by the sea, and they will build a ship themselves. If you come from a business with a normal ideology and confidence that you can change something, if you put this confidence in people, then they will very quickly begin to give a response positive effect. "

After the experts speeches, the participants continued to discuss the issues of the meeting.

The discussion was connected by the Master of Public Administration program (MRA) of ISU Raviguses Pavel Bowji, who shared his own experience of moving from his own business to the civil service.

"The business and the public sector, of course, different goals and methods to achieve results. At the same time, it is important that the civil service makes it possible to look at the task with a completely different level, in a different scale. Also, the state service is a ticket to life for young, the opportunity to learn, "he said.

The discussion was completed by the performance of the winner of the competition "Leaders of Russia" 2018-2019, the founder of the first IT IT Alliance, the adviser to the governor of the Novgorod region Dmitry Afanasyev. The expert recommended anyone who transfers or plans to go from a business to the public service to develop and adopt their own internal interpreter of values, motivation and success, as well as envisage the possibility of reverse transition from the public sector in business.

At the end of the event, the Discussion Moderator, Director of the Executive MPA Program - Management Strategies for Management, Deputy Head of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Alexander Yuhno, summed up his results.

The participants of the event came to a consensus that the transition from business in public service carries a number of risks that need to be assessed with regard to their professional and personal level of development. The digital transformation of the state administration and further will require consuming continuous training and development of their competencies and skills, including through conscious integration into its work of the best business practices.

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