Nothing yet canceled


Nothing yet canceled 533_1 is a feeling: when before that, evergreen graphics suddenly begin to blush in their eyes. It seems, and it is clear that nothing more than ever will happen, but still worries. Futures on S & P 500 Today, again, there was a "psychological" plank again - about 18.00 Moscow time it was the level of 3920 p., However, at 18.05 after the candle to 3930 p. The schedule went 40 p. Below. Together with him left in minus and the rest opened at that time. The Volatility index of the S & P 500 VIX obviously jumped from the current 21.5 p. Up to 23 p. - owners of the tools tied to the "fear index" can be congratulated with the next 5-6% per day earned. The rebound, of course, happened, however, as of 21.00 MSK, the futures on the S & P 500 will consolidate above 3,900 p. So failed.

In the news feeds, the reasons for such a "negative jump" could not be found - perhaps due to the upcoming Chinese New Year holidays some of the Asian investors simply decided to switch to cash on a major note.

Economic statistics recently influences the market, yes today it is sluggish. In China, a decrease in the consumer price index on an annualized basis has unexpectedly discovered in January. It seems, nothing terrible - but worse forecasts. In the US, consumer prices also grew slightly more slowly expectations - however, in connection with concerns about folding stimuli due to high inflation, it may be even good for the market. In today's speech, the head of the Fed of Jerome Powell, which will begin late in the evening in Moscow, there are additional opportunities for positive.

"The risks of overclocking inflation are, but the decline instead of growth says that the Fed will not hurry with the raising rates, it is rather positive. The maxima is achieved, positive trends are preserved, while nothing is canceled, "Promsvyazbank Bogdan Zvych briefly summarizes the main analyst.

Futures on Barrel Brent, in the morning I traded about $ 61, during Doros to $ 61.5, from where it also collapsed back - but it was at that moment I was saved about a sharp decline in raw oil reserves in the USA: minus 6.64 million barrels with expected growth almost per million. However, for Russian oil URALS at the moment it is irrelevant: according to TASS, in Europe its excess, Poland refused a number of procurement and spot prices are stuck at $ 54-55.

Everything is fine in Russia. Gust the vertical of power. President Vladimir Putin found another cottage in the Crimea, and once again complained that he was deceived by officials and once again demanded that the real salary of state employees to the level scheduled for the May Decals of 2012 by 2018. He once again reported that everything was done for a long time. The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova stated that in the country there are more than 10 thousand people a day in the country, so the mask mode cannot be canceled. In Udmurtia and Chechnya have already decided otherwise.

But there are really good news: the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank are planning to increase the maximum contribution to the individual investment account (IIS) from 1 million to 3 million rubles. True, the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange, where foreign stocks are addressed, has already overtaken by Moscow, but maybe, and something will come to our securities.

The Mosbier index today is not in the spirit - it decreased by 0.79% and went below 3400 p. The RTS index kept better, but also lost 0.66% by the end of the day. The dollar rate on the eve of 74 rubles on the eve, which could be associated with a lack of ruble liquidity in the banking system and aroused from this low demand for OFZ. However, liquidity, thanks to the placement of deposits from the Ministry of Finance, restored, banks can again buy his bonds, so that today the course by 21.00 MSC decreased by only 6 kopecks. up to 73.83 rubles.

"For our market, the external background was disgraceful: oil supported, but hit the news from American sites, and investors continue to fix profits. However, we do not exit the output of the Mosbier index down from the corridor 3400-500 p., And we believe that against the background of expensive oil, it has another chance of entering historical maxima, above 3,500 points, - continues Bogdan Zvych. - The ruble today was not able to play the external positive, including not only oil, but also the increase in currency countries. We continued consolidation, but it occurs in the lower half of the range of 73-75 rubles. per dollar. And on maintaining investors' interest in risky assets, you can expect a campaign to its lower border. "

(The text has prepared Daniel Zagananov)

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