8 best films with Alice Freundlich, which can be revised on holidays


It became known that the 86-year-old actress Alice Freundlich fell into the hospital with Coronavirus. We wish her a speedy recovery, and also want to remember her best films that can be revised on New Year's holidays.

8 best films with Alice Freundlich, which can be revised on holidays 5329_1

Old-fashioned comedy

This is a kind andweet film about the friendship of two mature people. In the Baltic Sanatorium there are head physicians and the former circus actress, they are united by the love of life and a sense of loneliness. In the film only two actors, the partner of Freundlich - her second husband Igor Vladimirov.

8 best films with Alice Freundlich, which can be revised on holidays 5329_2

Photo: Wyme.ru.

Love affair at work

The plot is familiar to everyone - the strict chief of Lyudmila Prokofievna (subordinates call her mumroy) transformed in his eyes when unexpectedly falls in love with his subordinate Anatoly Efremovich. Ryazanov before filming the film decided that the major role would play Freundlich. It was the only time when it was possible to approve the actress without a film crew and immediately to obtain permission from the idiot.

Photo: Kinopoisk

Cruel romance

This is the screen version of the play of the Ostrovsky "Dustpannica". Freundlich played Harita Ignatievna Ogudallov, the mother of the main character, which is trying to make a chance to marry her daughter. The girl is in love with a beautiful and undergoing Sergey Pararty, but because of financial problems she has to accept a proposal from a "little man", Karandyshev official.

Photo: Kinopoisk


This is the film Andrei Tarkovsky. In the plot there is a forbidden zone where the room of the desires is located. There is a writer and professor going there, and the stalker becomes their conductor, which is whether Yurodiv, or holy. Freindlich played a stalker wife. Many consider this role as one of the best actresses in the career - Freindlich is indicated in the titers of the first, although her heroine is not the main one.

Photo: Kinopoisk

D'Artagnan and three Musketeers

Famous film on the novel in Dumas. In the painting Alisa Freindlich played Queen Anna Austrian. That's what she talked about her heroine:

I have never seen a living queen, except for TV or in the press. The director and I wanted to make an absolutely earthly woman, by which nothing passed - neither love nor jealousy, nor fear nor the celebration of victory. It is characterized by all emotions and all the weaknesses of human. Yes, Queen! But behind the outer ethical grid is hidden a living person, experiencing the same feelings as any other.

Photo: Kinopoisk

Moscow Nights

The film is the modern interpretation of Lady McBet Mtsensky County. The surroundings of Kati Izmailovaya - the infantile husband and his despotic mother writer (her and played Alice Freindlich). Once a carpenter Sergey appears in their country house, in which Katya falls in love with mad and is solved.

Photo: Kinopoisk

Be in love

Four independent novels are tamed in the tape, Freindlich played the role of Ani in the second. Sergey says goodbye to his girlfriend and in a raised mood walks through the snow-covered Leningrad. Then he sits in the tram where he sees the crying conductor Anya. Sergey is trying to calm her, and she says that she threw her beloved, forcing it to make an abortion. Sergey spoils his portrait and convince Anyh to forget him.

Photo: Kinopoisk

Carp frozen

One of the new films with Alice Freundlich. The pensioner Elena Mikhailovna unexpectedly learns about the deadly diagnosis. In order not to strain the Son, the old woman is organizing its own funeral. What's the carp? With him the film begins, it ends. Fish in many cultures (and in this picture, including) is a symbol of life.

Photo: Russian newspaper

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