Socks: The territory of the station of young technicians in Dzerzhinsk will be landscaped

Socks: The territory of the station of young technicians in Dzerzhinsk will be landscaped 5286_1

On February 24, the head of Dzerzhinsk Ivan Noskov visited the establishment of additional education "Station of Young Technicians". This is reported by the press service of the administration of the city of Chemiks.

The head of the city visited the occupation of a mug of aircodemod, which is considered one of the most visited, and together with the pupils I tried to assemble the model of drone "MiG-21".

"At the station of young technicians, I'm not the first time. Of course, being here, I immediately remember my childhood when he went to the shipyard circle himself and collected ships. It can be seen, with what pleasure the guys create and run their aircraft models, as they like to communicate with each other, work with their hands and develop engineering thought. Who knows, maybe in the future, one of them will become a talented designer or pilot. And in this, of course, the huge merit of our teachers who are interested in the guys give them to develop and make a crash, "Ivan Soskov shared.

MBU to the "Station of Young Technicians" was founded in 1955 and for more than sixty years he collects in their laboratories enthusiastic appliances guys. Currently, the station takes the highest possible number of pupils. According to Ivan Noscova, the issue of expanding the commissioning institution is now being considered. As the head of the city noted, first of all it is necessary to repair the adjacent territory of the center and update the existing training grounds for students.

The development of an additional education system helps to achieve targets of the federal project "Success of each child" of the National Project "Education". So, the objective of the project is to increase coverage of additional education to 80% of the total number of children, updating the content and methods of additional education of children, the development of personnel potential and modernization of the infrastructure of the system of additional education of children.

Recall the national project "Education" is implemented in the country in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated May 7, 2018 No. 204 "On the national goals and strategic tasks of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024". His key goal is to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, the entry of the Russian Federation to the number of 10 leading countries in the quality of general education. The National Project includes 10 federal projects: "Modern School", "Success of each child", "Support for families with children", "Digital Education Environment", "Teacher of the Future", "Young professionals", "New opportunities for everyone", "Social activity", "Export of Education" and "Social Elevators for Each".

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