Who are caught for growing potatoes


Last month, an amendments were amended to Article 10.12 "Violation of the established rules of production, processing, sales, storage, transportation and consumption of agricultural plant seeds" COAMA. In the media there were reports that the gardeners will be fined for growing potatoes. They say, make papers confirming the origin of the harvest. And many dacms and owners of private houses in the spring traditionally plant this root. How to be? In fact, the changes are unlikely to affect conventional citizens who are engaged in gardening and gardening.

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This year, amendments to the law were really adopted. Now the ban on the disembarkation of its own potato seeds is distributed in gardeners, pensioners - that is, individuals. Citizens should buy sowing material only in specialized stores. We are not only about seeds, but also about bulbs, seedlings, etc. Does it mean that it is impossible to use your sowing material, to postpone part of the potato for landing for the next year?

As the lawyer clarified, if a person grows the root for himself, personal consumption - it can use any seeds for this. It is impossible to sell your sowing material to neighbors, individual entrepreneurs. Otherwise, a citizen is waiting for an administrative penalty - 300-500 rubles. For example, if you grow potatoes for sale, then you may be fined for illegal seeds.

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It is believed that amendments to the law should help in the fight against seeds of quarantine plants, which can be mixed with a good material when collecting people who are not experts. The authorities also hope to stop the spread of patient plants. But it is likely that this will suffer farmers, large farms, which will remain only to buy sowing material - after all, their own is prohibited. On the other hand, it is believed that hybrid potatoes in the second generation degenerates and is more suitable for animal feed.

The other day, Rosselkhoznadzor did not miss 2 thousand saplings of roses in Orenburg. In the phytosanitary control, it turned out that the products were infected with the recreation - a parasite plant.

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