TLL on the garden: how to get rid and not harm the plants


    Good afternoon, my reader. Birds and useful insects destroy the yard on the garden, so many try to attract them to the site. However, often their work is not enough to completely secure landing. Checked home remedies come to the rescue. Tricks and tricks against the pest.

    TLL on the garden: how to get rid and not harm the plants 5222_1
    TLL in the garden: how to get rid of and not harm the plants Maria Verbilkova

    In the greenhouses of insects are raised by caustic smoke. For this, small branches are settled in a metal jar. As soon as they begin to flared up, put to tobacco. The smoke container put in a greenhouse, closed the doors tightly. The wave dies pretty quickly.

    In order to destroy the TRU on landings, they are sprayed with various solutions and infusions. Use many remedies and vegetable waste.

    TLL on the garden: how to get rid and not harm the plants 5222_2
    TLL in the garden: how to get rid of and not harm the plants Maria Verbilkova

    First, the plants are removed and burned all the leaves littered with insects. The kochens are wiping into a swammed swamp in the solution or spray it from all sides. Most often, cabbage is treated with the following means:

    1. Infusion of dandelion. On 10 liters of water (warm) take approximately 400 g of chopped leaf colors. Insist for three hours and filter.
    2. A solution of green potash soap or other detergent on a potash basis (300 g per 10-liter water bucket). At the same time, treatment from pests and fertilizer is obtained.

    The following means are suitable for any plants. Apply them for greenhouse crops. The most effective of them:

    1. Onion infusion. In a bucket with a boiling water, the husks of the repfate onion are suited. Leave to incande throughout the day. After the means filter. Before use, be bred by water in proportion 1: 2.
    2. You can process the places of cluster of cliff with milk. The product takes non-residential and diluted with water (1: 1).
    3. Calcinated soda. On one liter of water, 20 g of substance are suited. In the container add chips of the economic soap. It is not necessary to insist, before use to strain.
    4. Tomato tops. Green mass with water is adjusted to a boil and boiled for another 30 minutes. You can pour foliage boiling water and insist for a day. Some gardeners are added to a mixture of soap chips or washing powder. Before use, the decoction is filtered.
    5. Potato decoction. Instead of tomato, take potato tops and poured boiling water. You can insist less, about 5 hours.

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