What time to start doing at the cottage in February? - 10 most important cases


Outside the window still lies with drifts, but until spring remained only one month - it's time to prepare for the gardening season. We tell about the summer deeds that it is time to start doing in February.

Remove snow

First of all, it is necessary to free the roofs of the arbors, sheds and other buildings from snow. Heavy masses can damage the roof, so it is so important to remove them now, so as not to repair the buildings in the future.

Special attention is paid to polycarbonate greenhouses - this is a rather fragile material that may not withstand pressure.

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Protect coniferous trees

Young coniferous seedlings need to be covered with spruce or pine branches in February for two years after landing, and Tui and Juniper - for four. The bright light of the Winter-Spring Sun launches photosynthesis, but the roots are still "sleeping" and the roots and plants will be spent the water, and then burn.

As a material, you can use a burlap, tonging to it a tree or slab from the rails.

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Hold the Grocery

Leave the snow lying on the beds with tie crops to make the Earth more loose. And the drifts from the tracks transfer to the greenhouse - 3 Vöter is enough per square meter. Talay water will nourish the soil by making it more fertile.

If the snow is not enough, try to save what is, covering the garden with a spruce snapper. Form drifts around trees stabes to protect them from burns and root frills.

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Threshing trunk

Read also what errors are better not allowed in autumn?

If you have not twisted the trees in the fall, do it until mid-February. The temperature differences at the end of the winter threaten wood frozen, and thanks to the blink it is easy to avoid.

Use the water-based paint, purchased specifically for these purposes in the garden store. Treat trunks only in dry weather.

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Attract birds

February - a hard month for birds in the garden. Make feeders and birdhouses, placing them higher to protect the feathers from hungry cats. In time, replenish the reserves of feed - suitable sunflower seeds, cereals, nuts, fat, dried berries.

Accustomed to the garden, birds will help you in spring and summer, when they will catch adult pest insects and carry larvae for chicks.

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Crop fruit planting

February is the time to rejuvenate garden trees and shrubs. For sleepy plants, this procedure will be less traumatic. Remove the dry and broken branches, form a cup of the crown, removing some of the skeletal branches, cut down the extension of the shrubs.

Sections should be smooth, without damage. Some gardeners are covered with fresh seats for disinfection.

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Prepare planting material

In winter, it should be disassembled and stripping seeds (in chronological order). Particular attention should be paid to the material collected by itself: it is checked for the germination. After that, you can go to the store, making a list of necessary - it will help to protect yourself from rampant spending.

February - It's time to warm up onion-north. Hold it around the battery of 4 weeks to reduce the number of plants go to the arrow.

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Plant flowers

For spring flower beds prepare those varieties of colors that can be planted in open ground before all and watch blossom in April. At the end of February, put in the consultant container:

Petunia seeds (have a long growing season);



As well as perennial plants:





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Take a sediate

Make sowing on seedlings of slow-growing crops: these are late varieties of tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, onions-sowing and celery. And it's not too late to sow garden strawberries!

To prepare the soil purchased in the store, decide it from pathogenic microflora and possible larvae by steaming.

To do this, place the packaging in the bucket by filling it with hot water.

Cover the lid and let cool.

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Conduct an audit of inventory

This procedure will allow not to buy extra when preparing for the garden season: tools, underfloor material, beef and other things. It is necessary to prepare preparations in advance to combat pests and disease diseases. It is also necessary to repair the technique, sharpening the tools, disassemble the stocks of consumables and throw away the extent of saving space.

In the heated house, you can eliminate problems in the form of hot locks and small breakdowns, update the furniture or decorate the interior.

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The view is that in February there is nothing to do in the country, deceptively. The wise garden will always find something to do, since the favorite cottage requires care at any time of the year.

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