Paulina Andreeva told how to be slim without diets


Powlina Andreeva is the Russian actress of the theater and cinema, a beginner singer and a spouse of the famous producer, director, scenario and actor Fyodor Bondarchuk. The fans remembered Paulina on the films and serials "Saransch", "Thaw", "Method", "better than people."

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Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk

And recently Paulina tried himself in a completely new role for her. She wrote a scenario to the dramatic television series "Psycho" Fedor Bondarchuk with Konstantin Bogomolov and Elena Lyadovy in high roles.

Now (in 2021) Actress is 32 years old. Its weight with growth 171 cm rarely exceeds 54 kilograms. Model parameters: 87-63-88. At the same time, the girl admits that there are practically no diet. How does she manage to maintain harmony?

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Paulina Andreeva

Food Rules Actress

The profession imposes certain obligations, Powling is sure, it is impossible to relax for a second. Maintain the body in a tone and have a good physical form necessary for a demanded actress. Therefore, Andreeva tries to be active as often as possible, it works a lot, engaged in sports.

Poweline prefers moderation in nutrition, and there is no permanently in the "nothing can not be". "We are people, not robots," said the actress once. She also assured that much depends on genetics.

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Paulina Andreeva

The main secret of the harness of Paulina Andreeva is to listen to your body. The actress does not hide that no diet does not adhere to the long time, but simply tries not to eat those products after which he feels in the stomach. Thus, it sifts all unnecessary from its diet. Even when the food is useful, it can cause discomfort. Especially legumes, mushrooms, cabbage, citrus fruits, berries, fermented and dairy products. The body will not be cheating: it knows better than others what he needed, and what is impossible.

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Paulina Andreeva

The actress also believes that women have long time to stop fanatically to follow the generally accepted canons of beauty and stop delivering themselves useless (and sometimes frankly harmful) diets. Also Paulina does not welcome the weight loss to any event, the holiday, especially if the rest of the time they include empty. This is a real test for the body, she believes.

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Paulina Andreeva

Export and exercise, assures the spouse of Bondarchuk. Sport classes not only support muscles in a tone, but also charge the energy, they give to relax. In addition, after productive training, it is easier to keep yourself within, do not overeat, and otherwise all the efforts of the Nammark.

Moderation in food and regular physical exertion, as well as a full and strong dream - our all, is convinced by the star. Powlyn also infrees cosmetics, allowing the skin to "rest."

Paulina Andreeva, Figure

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Paulina Andreeva
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Paulina Andreeva
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Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk
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Paulina Andreeva

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