We increase the yield of cucumbers with the help of extractive feeding


    Good afternoon, my reader. For good vegetation and increasing the yield of cucumbers, you need to reliably protect them from infections, pests. And besides, plants should be ensured by a complex feeder containing all the necessary nutrients. For this you can alternate chemical fertilizers with an organic. At the same time, along with the traditional form of feeding, they also use extractive.

    We increase the yield of cucumbers with the help of extractive feeding 5163_1
    We increase the yield of cucumbers with extractive feeding of Maria Verbilkova

    Greenhouses with cucumbers. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    This type of feeding is very effective in adverse weather conditions (cooling, sharp temperature racing, solar deficiency). Extractive treatment of cucumbers stimulates the photosynthesis process, prevents the yellowing of the leaves, contributes to the formation of the strings, prolongs the period of fruiting.

    To obtain abundant harvest, the cucumbers fertilize several times per season. The first feeding is carried out at the very beginning of the growing season. The second - in the period of the bootonization and formation of uncess. The third feeding is necessary for cucumber bushes for abundant fruiting. The fourth procedure can extend the life of plants and affect the quality of the harvest.

    Plants that need nitrogen-containing fertilizers are most often treated with urea. For this, at the first treatment, 40 g of the chemical preparation is dissolved in water bucket (10 l). For the second and third feeding, the amount of urea is reduced to 30 g and 12-15 g, respectively. In the event that the cucumbers are grown in acidic ground, urea is replaced with calcium spit. To prepare this solution, calcium nitrate (2 g) is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

    We increase the yield of cucumbers with the help of extractive feeding 5163_2
    We increase the yield of cucumbers with extractive feeding of Maria Verbilkova

    Cucumbers. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    During the bootonization period, complex fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are used. For spraying plants, superphosphate (35 g), potassium salt (20 g), boric acid (1 tsp) and potassium permanganate (1 g) are taken. All components are bred a bucket of water (10 l).

    To attract into the greenhouse of insect pollinators, you can handle bushes with a special solution of boric acid (2 g) and sugar (100 g). These components are poured by 1 liter of hot water, stirred well and cozed to room temperature.

    The best folk remedy for fertilizer of garden crops is recognized as herbal infusion, which is sometimes called "green". For its preparation, a large barrel (tank) is used, which is almost fair to fill fresh herbs.

    The contents of the container are poured with water, add some sugar and yeast to speed up the fermentation process. After a couple of weeks, the organic fertilizer will be ready. To process plants, it is bred by clean water in the proportion of 1:20.

    We increase the yield of cucumbers with the help of extractive feeding 5163_3
    We increase the yield of cucumbers with extractive feeding of Maria Verbilkova

    Cucumbers. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    In addition, experienced daches use other nutrients prepared from the heavy hay, wood ash and other components. The aqueous tincture of hay is made at the rate of 1: 1. The spraying by this tool strengthens the plants and protects them from fungal diseases, in particular from pulse dew.

    Abundant crop of cucumbers directly depends on competent complex care. Extra-cornery feeders of mineral fertilizers and organica are strengthened by the plant, prolong the period of fruiting and increase yields.

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