"So built that the facade is already covered with cracks." The shareholders received the keys to the new building and began to count the "shoals"


It is quite obvious that the ancient art of architecture is lost without a trace. Instead of bridges that are standing for centuries, and houses affecting the imagination with their sophistication, we have one after another, new buildings are growing: the collapsing, leaning, sleek even without rains. Bulyas buildings are for every taste. And it is not at all the fact that after the detection of "lessons" defects, developers will also be learned and the following houses will not bring surprises. For the condition of the recently docked house, there are no reason to experience yesterday's shareholders - tens, and even hundreds of thin cracks run on the facade, laid out bricks. What threatens it? So far, no one knows, but the stories from Russia, when the sidewalk "fell out" whole fragments of cladding, not added optimism.

House in the center

A new building on the street of Labor, 8, in Vitebsk from afar (and from afar) produces a good impression. It seems like nothing outstanding in the architectural plan, but the universal altitude, the combination of colors and the situation around do not plunge into the despondency. And what location at home! Before the summer amphitheater, where every year the "Slavic Bazaar" rattles, hand. The quiet center with a park under the side - the best place for life is not to come up.

Previously, the private sector dominated here, in lowland. But the city and local UKS know better how to dispose of the Golden Earth, and therefore a couple of years ago, the territory began to build household investors (no preferential category of citizens).

- According to our standards, these houses are almost elite, "says Dmitry, who became the owner of the treshki in a problematic new building. "Therefore, no discounts and benefits have not supposed to shareholders: you are to queue in need or not - the price per meter is the same. On average, the "Square" was sold for 1400 with excess rubles, or about $ 700 at that time. For Vitebsk it is above average.

To compare with panel Bilevo (something like a Minsk Stone Gorka), then the treshka went to $ 20,000 more expensive. Although the project is not improved and there are no chips here, even the ceilings are only 2.50. Naturally, for the money we expected quality.

Yes, and to doubt, honestly, I did not have to: the customer is Vitebsk, the contractor - Zhilstroy, one of the best organizations that rebuilt half of the city and the region. Cracks

The shareholders recall that the rest was removed at the construction stage: according to the Treaty, Investors had the right to visit the object by prior arrangement with the developer. In fact, they never officially allowed: no, and that's it. It did not even help to assign instructing and move only accompanied by a dedicated builder.

Without the opportunity to "touch" the house, the citizens honed their observation. And at some point, it was found that facial laying (the multi-storey washed from the gas silicate, which was covered with insulation) began to germinate the network of thin cracks.

"We tried to beat the alarm, but we all calmed down - there is nothing, everything is in order, the process is under control," says one more accommodation. - And when the house was still handed over and we got the opportunity to approach it closely, they were amazed by the number of cracks running around the facade.

However, builders and all involved and here were not confused: we came the answer that allegedly at the time of acceptance of the object (and this is the end of August) no cracks were observed, they were identified only in October 2020. At the same time, UKS informed the Inspectorate of the State Speaker, that the defect is available, and now the specialists are studying what and how to do.

- Naturally, we brought out such tweaking facts. Fortunately later at one of the assembly (which has audio recordings), representatives of contractors recognized that the cracks were discovered at the construction stage. They arose somewhere at the level of the fifth-sixth floor of masonry, but the problem was not reflected in the documents. On the one hand, it's good that they voiced it, but on the other - who knows what is still hiding behind the facade of our house. Maybe not only decorative brick cracks, but also the main masonry? - Woman talks.

The number of subtle, but very persistent cracks, spoiling facade, is not really amenable to account - they are visible, as long as visual acuity. And suffer equally all four sides of the house. True, the contractor at first did not cause any alarms at first: the owners received an answer to his appeals that "during a visual examination, vertical cracks were revealed in a facing layer of laying of external walls of 1 to 3 mm within the floor on different sections from 1 to 5 Floor inclusive. Detected cracks do not affect the supporting ability of the building. "

This apartment with a crack on the loggia is now sold by the developer

"Soothing" response citizens, oddly enough, did not reassure. They began to write in all instances again, to seek techniques, as a result, an independent examination was appointed.

- This examination revealed violations, due to which cracks appeared. The recommendation was also given to prepare cracks and install beacons. It was completed, but after literally a couple of weeks, some lighthouses began to crack, and then crumble.

After some time, those lighthouses began to crack, the workers were shot down - allegedly they were established incorrectly. So what are you for specialists, how can you build at home, if the beacons are not able to install? In general, apparently, the logic is: no lighthouses - no problem.

It is noteworthy that the lighthouses have not been established for all distressed places. In February, the work was suspended, since there were severe frosts, and did not resume so far, although in official responses indicate that everything in the process. You see what the process is here - not a single cradle, not a single builder. And this despite the fact that our house was recorded in the Ministry of Interest, "says Dmitry.

- All officials who assured that the house is in perfect order, and the cracks only seem to us, we were offered to go to the place - not from the cabinets and on the reports to look at the situation, but our gases. No one agreed! - Adds a resident of the house.

And other surprises

House in labor, 8, just about six months. But cracks are not the only problem. No less concerns cause wetting angles: What kind of apartments will be the situation with fungus after some time?

Here, the cracks have already corrected according to the recommendations of the experts. Now the new seals fear that all their home will turn into something strange and repulsive.

And in some cases, it is possible to even doubt that we are in the new building: peeling after the first winter paint on the input group is powerful.

The apartments are also full of nuances: horizontal and vertical cracks, including end-to-end, meet completely and nearby.

And many people had to face unnecessary "humidity". For example, in the apartment on the last floor, the ceiling and the walls of the loggia are wet, and so much that it is felt by hand. And despite the panoramic glazing and regularly falling rays of the sun, the situation is not corrected.

Special situation in a house with overlapping slabs: some owners had to chop holes in them to merge water into the concrete structure. "We my foreman himself said this way - allegedly this is a normal situation," one of the residents admits.

Someone as Andrei, found out this nuance by chance: it was necessary to drill a hole in the ceiling, in response - a tropical shower.

A young man got another joy: places the ceilings are lower than 2.50. "Home" rule, of course, not from the chamber of measures and scales and can "harm" a couple of millimeters, but not so much to doubt the words of the owner. The three-eyed meter of the plaster says a lot about the evenness of the walls.

- We promised improved plaster on the walls, and we see that there are influx, bugs, incomprehensible traces. In addition, the plaster from something suddenly slipped out (I suspect - to hide some flaws). But the ceiling, as promised and spelled out in the contract, did not shuffle - they said that she was mistaken at this moment, and "reset" by add-binding.

In addition, the workers did not fulfill the rust extection between the slabs of the overlap, and this, if we translate on the scale of the house, saving a huge amount of money. That is, everyone has been taken from the shareholders to the last penny, but do not rush their duties. And only the most persistent who are not in a hurry to move, can achieve some kind of correction, are the impressions of the townspeople.

In a new building, as it is, in fashionable homes, all residents have installed the same iron doors. They were brought them as much from under Minsk. The taste and color of the comrades, of course, no, but here one of the villains discovered in his opening such a work of art. (In addition to all the cloths and locks "Prokalpani" outside.)

Paul in one level in the whole entrance - for weaklikov. They say, initially on such "steps" even lay a tile of another color - brown.

- It turned out not a house, but some kind of misunderstanding that inside that outside. And after all, the builders were still so proud of this object, photographed on his background, even the article was in the local press and on their website!

We referred to the developer so that it proportionally reduces the cost of construction and returned money - the tenants paid for a normal home and its normal appearance, and not for patches on the facade. And here - did not have time to pass the house, as it should be repaired. Representatives of Uce first nodded, allegedly agreeing to understand us and need to be discussed, but nothing was done in fact, they disappointed people who suggest that they have a big struggle in front.

In Vitebsk Ukse, where Onliner appealed for a comment, discussing problems did not refuse, but they asked to formulate questions in writing, since the information was very much and it is necessary to raise many documents. We sent an official request to the developer. As soon as the answer is received, publish it on the site.

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