GOSFOND lost the dispute on T34 billion private traders after the intervention of Asanova - Kozachkov


GOSFOND lost the dispute on T34 billion private traders after the intervention of Asanova - Kozachkov

GOSFOND lost the dispute on T34 billion private traders after the intervention of Asanova - Kozachkov

Almaty. November 9. KazTAG - The State Fund lost the dispute on T34 billion by a private trader after the intervention of the Chairman of the Supreme Court Zhakip Asanova, Mikhail Kozacchkov told the journalist.

"Zhakip Lyubovich studies the petitions that entered his name, and some of them satisfy. Complaints of those who are dissatisfied with the decisions that have already entered into force and are able to fix everything personally. In the hands of one person - the fate of thousands of people and tens of billions of tenge. He alone may come to the conclusion that the judges of three instances were wrong and transfer the case to a new consideration. For the first time, I became interested in the fall last year, when I wrote about the two Karaganda prosecutors dismissed from work. They tried to recover with the help of the femis, but they found an understanding only in the Supreme Court - they were returned to the service team chaired by Meyrambeca Taythrend, "writes Cossacks on Facebook.

The journalist clarifies that later the petition of Cairat Zhakipbayeva, the head of dismissed prosecutors appeared.

"He asked Zhakip Asanov to make a personal idea of ​​the decision of the Supreme Court, and the Chairman agreed with his arguments. At the same time, two important points remained behind the scenes - first, Zhakipbayev, by the time, took a high position in the presidential administration, and secondly, Zhakipbaev and Asanov turned out to be classmates in Jurfak KazSU. As a result, Zhakip Khukovovich introduced a submission to the so-called "seven" - the case was considered as seven judges. And they unanimously agreed with the arguments of the chef that prosecutors are categorically impossible, "the journalist says.

He noted that this was the reason for his increased interest in Asanov's activities.

"At the briefing of the Supreme Court, it was announced that in just a year of Asanov, more than 40 performances wrote, and the" seven "was going to, if the memory does not change, nine times. I turned to the apparatus of the aircraft with a request to clarify what disputes are about. I refused to provide this information. Well, then I had to dig in the database and search all myself. Something I found. I understand that not all, but even the assembled material is enough to release a whole series. I think that in the first season there can be 10 episodes of 10 ideas, and then let's see, "says Kozachkov.

He called his series "time to collect stones of justice." Starring - Chairman of the Supreme Court Zhakip Asanov and Oligarch from the Forbes list.

"Exactly 15 years ago, in January 2006, the" Kazkommertsbank "opened the Mercur Grad LLP for $ 50 million was discovered in the other world. By the way, there is a residential complex of the same name in Almaty, so it is possible that money went to His construction. Having received a loan, the company signed a couple more agreements with the bank, and then went to delay. The story is banal - dollar loans due to endless devaluation collapsed thousands of enterprises. As a result, one day Mercur Grad LLP was declared bankrupt. The company has a manager whose task - to arrange creditors in the queue to give them at least something, "says the journalist.

He reports, a hundred loan "Kazkommertsbank" at that time "has already moved to the State Fund of Problem loans who have redeemed money for the money allocated by the Government here such garbage obligations for the rehabilitation of the banking system."

"In 2018, the FPK sent a bankruptcy manager to include the Fund to the Register of Credits. In total, Mercur Grad LLP owe the Fund 82 with an excess million dollars and over T4 billion at the rate of 2018, this amount was T34.5 billion. But the bankruptcy manager Abdrakhmanov TA. The flattery refused the FPK, based on the fact that the foundation in 2013 was included in the register of creditors, however, with a more modest amount of 740 million tenge. And the "Mercur Grad" by the court decision was to give $ 10 million dollars. Well, in general, all these proceedings around the debt were already along and across the courts were studied, "the post says.

It is noted that the FPK appealed to the court, insisting to include debt of 34 billion in the register of requirements.

"In 2019, Almaty servants of the femis recognized that the bankruptcy manager Abdrakhmanov must enter a debt to the Foundation in his magazine. But Abdrakhmanov TS Also did not give up. He wrote a petition for Asanova and happened to a miracle - Chairman of the Supreme Court found his appeal among thousands of the same letters and turned his precious attention to the dispute worth 34 billion. I remind you: this money, by decision of the lower courts, a private company was obliged to pay the state represented by the state FPK. But Zhakip Khukipovich wondered in paper for 34 billion and understood - something is wrong here. Therefore, he made a personal understanding of the triple of the judges of the Supreme Court - Baimakhanova, Maksyuti and Kaizhzan. Remember these surnames, in our series they have a regular role of the second plan. It was them that they had to decide whether the government had the right to recover 34 billion from the bankrupt LTO. And then something unexpected happened. At the Court meeting in November 2020, which was online, was a bankruptcy manager of Mercur Grad LLP, but not Abdrakhmanov, but a certain parpiev R.M. He explained that Abdrakhmanov was already fired, after which he asked ... not to consider the petition of Abdrakhmanov! That is, the new bankruptcy manager "Mercur Grad" found that the fund of problem loans has the full right to demand its 34 billion, "writes Kozachkov.

Then the journalist looked, as they do in the fourth instance, if the chairman introduces someone's petition there, and then he comes to a new one, not to consider it. Founded two examples - on the suit of some kind of quitko to some kind of miftow on the recovery of debt, and on the suit of the "oil insurance company" to the KTZH. In both cases, the plaintiffs filed a petition for Asanova, he made a personal idea, and then they asked for a lawsuit not to consider, after which the idea was returned without consideration.

"But in the case of Mercur Grad TOO, this number has not passed. Troika Baymakhanov, Maksyuta and Kaizhan decided that the opinion of the current bankruptcy manager is less weighty than the opinion of the dismissed bankruptcy manager. It is useless to resist, we will still make you happy! The judges made a new decree fully coincided with the position of the Chairman of the Supreme Court. The decision to satisfy the complaint of the Fund's problem loans was canceled, the requirements for T34 billion were finally drove out of the registry. All, this money "Mercur Grad" must no longer. You know who thank you. It remains to add that the respected edition of Forbes believes that Mercur Grad LLP is connected with one of the richest people of the country of Eenali Baymen, "the author summarizes.

The editorial office of Mia KazTag appealed to the press service of the Supreme Court for a comment.

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