Green growing on the windowsill: suitable types and varieties


Good afternoon, my reader. Greens in summer can be seen almost on every garden. These cultures are distinguished by unpretentiousness and, in need of minimal care, often remain in beds until the first snow and frosts. Dachnips, accustomed to the summer season to delicious vitamin salads, do not want to stay without them. You can, of course, buy greens in the store - there it is sold all year round. But it is believed that she is dubious, and the taste is not the wrong. The way out of the position is pretty simple - grow greens at home.

Green growing on the windowsill: suitable types and varieties 5019_1
Growing of greenery on the windowsill: suitable types and varieties of Maria Verbilkova

This can be done in several ways:

  • Drop the plants from the bed together with the roots and transplant them into the pots. True, not all types of greenery are able to survive such an operation, but, for example, a parsley or basil, such a resettlement will arrange quite.
  • Onions on arrows can be grown by placing the bulbs in the glasses with water.
  • Severe greens just like on a garden garden, but now in special trays with a soil, which are exhibited on the windowsill. The main thing here is, to have an idea of ​​what kind of grade it is adapted for growing at home.

In order to achieve noticeable success in the cultivation of the greenery at home, it is necessary to create conditions for it that would resemble natural as possible. It is better to take the earth from those beds, on which this kind of greenery is planned to grow in the future of the season - it will comply with the rules of crop rotation. But you can use the special soil coming on sale. Or use garden land mixed with soil for indoor plants.

The technology of such room gloomy is also provided for the creation of mini-drainage for the lead from the roots of plants of the excess moisture, for which it is used clay, gravel, sand in large fractions. The selected container (pots, trays, boxes) should have waterproof walls and drainage holes below. By 1/4, it is covered with drainage material, and the rest of its space is filled with nutrient soil, with the inclusion of humus or biohumus into it.

It is also necessary to take care of the organization of additional lighting for plants, because with a reduction in the longitude of the day in the winter period of light they will not be enough even on the windowsill. Include the backlight it is necessary in the evening, as well as on cloudy days. For normal development, these cultures need to be in the light at least 12 hours per day.

Green growing on the windowsill: suitable types and varieties 5019_2
Growing of greenery on the windowsill: suitable types and varieties of Maria Verbilkova

Many of those crops that grow in summer garden beds can be grown in winter, at home. Among the most popular types of greenery can be called:

  • Dill, both early and late varieties. The first is not very lush, but they grow rapidly. Harvesting the second will have to wait longer, but their greens is distinguished by a dense. The choice of a specific variety can be difficult to be difficult for their widest assortment, for example: mushroom, Preobrazhensky, alligator, Richelieu and many others.
  • Petrushka (ordinary sheet, Gloria, Astra, Russian feast). Without this culture it is difficult to imagine a traditional vegetable salad. It can be grown from rhizomes or seeds. The last option is characterized by greater energy intensity, but the harvest will be much more abundant.
  • Celery. For growing on the windowsill, such varieties are suitable as gentle, cheerfulness, samurai. Preference is usually given to sheet varieties.
  • Salad. It is grown from seeds, if possible, exposing the landing container on the south side of the apartment. Regarding varieties, it may be a salad-latch (kite, ballet, grew, emerald lace) or Cress Salad (Dukat, Vitaminchik, Dansky, News).
  • Basil (Lemon, Orion, Dwarf, Philosopher). It is easier to grow it from cuttings, and not from seeds. The cuttings are obtained by cutting the tops of the shoots of adult plants. They can even buy in the supermarket or on the market. From the cuttings should be removed the lower sheets, then put them into the water. After the appearance of the roots, the cuttings are planted into the ground with a gloss of up to 5 cm.

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