Fans are at night: what products will cause the least harm figure and why


Why it is worth refrain from the night zhora

According to nutritionists, even the harmless cottage cheese or fruit and vegetable mix can cause irreparable harm to the body, and all because we are arranged in such a way as to rest and gain strength at night, and not spend energy to digest any food . Otherwise, workflows are violated, including metabolism and the production of certain hormones, which can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases and other troubles.

Why does Night Zhor arise?

Tracting for the emptying of the refrigerator at night, according to experts, may be due to the fact that the day the body misses its norm of useful substances and trace elements. In other words, it may not be enough 1200 or 900 kcal per day, or the diet is so unbalanced that it lacks elementary proteins or fats, which he tries to fill at least the number of food eaten. In addition, some diseases or hormonal failure may also give themselves to know the brutal sense of hunger when it seems that it is ready to eat an elephant, but the feeling of saturation is almost never coming. But if you are really hungry (and you are fine with your health), then enough a glass of ordinary water is enough. Just watch that the water is room temperature, otherwise you can run into trouble.

Photo: Tim Douglas / Pexels
Photo: Tim Douglas / Pexels How can you still eat on the night, if without it?

If the soul still requires change and the body craves to eat up at night, then try to organize meals in such a way that it remains for at least 2-3 hours. This time will be enough to organize the process of digesting food and go to rest with a sense of accomplishment.

What can be used as a night snack:

  1. Low-fat meat (chicken or turkey), boiled without salt and spices or steamed.
  2. The boiled beef is also suitable as a night meal. On the side dish you can choose one egg welded by screwed, or a small amount of stewed vegetables.
  3. Non-fat varieties of marine or river fish (cod, pike perch, halibut, Sybas). This product is digested quickly quickly and saturates the body by calcium, phosphorus and fluorine.
  4. If the time and strength for cooking is not at all left, then you can have a snack and nuts that are rich in useful trace elements. They help to absorb magnesium, calcium and other vitamins.

Photo: Suzy Hazelwood / Pexels

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