How to keep motivation when dark times were killed in life


How to make sure that the negative does not destroy all hopes and dreams? How to do so that he does not destroy those remnants of motivation that still remain?

Your paper motivator. No reason to plan goals advised worldwide

Have you tried to write goals, but did nothing happen from this? The list of targets is not a magic leaflet in which you should write desires. The list is your motivator that will help when an independent motivation of faded.

This is a list of your specific actions. It should always be kept to complement or edit depending on the development of events. The list will not let you get stuck in one place, on the contrary, it will constantly push forward.

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Picture of Polina Kovaleva.

There are always reasons to wake up in the morning, even if you don't think so now

Between the choice, start the day in a depressed mood or make new steps, select the second option. Poor mood in the morning can pick up forces for the rest of the day. And the planning of new actions will give them.

Surroundings that takes strength and time

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Image ?merry Christmas ?

Negative people. People who do not appreciate your time. People who are constantly criticized and reduce your self-esteem. All of them can destroy your motivation. Try help them or reduce communication time.

"To solve the problem, you need to change the course of thoughts that led to it" (Albert Einstein)

Replace questions:

  • "Why can't I get?"
  • "Why am I so?"

For the following questions:

  • "What could lead to this?"
  • "What do these errors show me?"
  • "What can I do to achieve a result?"
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Image of Gerhard G.

Believe in yourself even on the worst days, they are able to show a new direction

On these days you need to remind yourself what you have already achieved. If you stop, you will lose it, which means that all efforts were in vain. Give yourself a holiday day and look for alternative ways to help change the situation.

If you persist even in dark days of your life and do not lose the motivation, then there is no reason why you should not achieve your goals.

Publication of the site-primary source Amelia.

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