"The child is still, what is your type of personality": 5 calls for parents-introverts


Personal space? Forget!

The introverts are known to be fully advantageous, but the extroverts are still easier to be parents. At least with the fact that introverts often need to be alone to fill resources, and with children, especially babies, it is almost impossible.

The rest of the family rarely respect the right of parents-introverts for loneliness, which is why they constantly have suffering and remorse. And when the child goes to kindergarten and school, the situation is complicated.

What feats have to make parents with an introverted type of person?

Forced communication

With age, children are increasingly communicating with peers, and still begin to go to kindergarten, school, on mugs and sections. This means that their-introverted parents have to communicate more often with the most different people - friends of children, parents of friends, teachers, classmates, coaches, educators, teachers, tutoring, people on the playground. And what is worse, to join the parent chats. There are no formal communication at the same time - parents have to defend the interests of their children, discuss their problems, to build contacts and so on.

Request for help

If the extrovert holds everyone to wear around to fulfill his request, then the introvert is difficult to ask for the help of even the closest people. Relations with relatives and friends can be wonderful. The problem is different - introverts are simply very closed personalities.

As a result, moms and dads have to overpower themselves to learn how to ask for help.

Quick resolution issues

The introverts tend to carefully and weigly think about the questions and solve the tasks in their pace. But the situation with the family often requires an instant reaction. The greater the family, the more small daily tasks require a quick solution.

Fighting a sense of guilt

Mama-introverts less often than dads, it is possible to spend time alone. And when the cherished hour of rest came, then the feeling of guilt is unnoticed. After all, the child somewhere so needs her mom!

Sometimes surrounding begin to accuse parents-introverts in egoism, and an unpleasant thought that you are bad, the terrible parent is firmly rooted in consciousness. But rest is needed by moms, and dads. And personal-introverted parents are simply necessary that their desire to remain alone respected.

Life with a noisy family

A big friendly family is good, only introverts are not delighted with constant noise, gamas and disturbance of personal space. The child does not care what your type of personality is. Children sometimes do not give parents to retire even in the toilet, what kind of personal space can we talk about? And this is perhaps one of the biggest problems of introverts in parent.

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