3 myths about a healthy lifestyle in which we are in vain


We all want to have an ideal figure, be beautiful and healthy, so fashion on the zozh every year is just enhanced. Literally from every angle on us every day tons of tiles on how to eat correctly, what kind of sport is better to give preference, what should be the routine of the day and much more.

Having encountered similar recommendations on the Internet, we almost always accept all these clever words on faith. And very in vain, because many rules that are called us to follow, long ago are denied and considered hopelessly outdated. That is why we decided to figure out the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, gathering myths in this material, to trust which not only meaninglessly, but sometimes dangerous.

Myth number 1. Sports need daily

Newcomers in the world of sports naively believe that it is possible to quickly lead themselves in a form that tritely increasing the number of physical exertion. Fortunately, or unfortunately, this principle does not work. Only athletes with many years of experience can afford daily workouts, the organism is adapted to regular exercises. Yes, and that, the overwhelming majority of them give their body to relax at least once a week.

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As for ordinary people who are engaged in sports to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and do not chase over the achievements, it is best to distribute the load so that in the amount of their duration for the week did not exceed 5 hours. So the muscles will have the opportunity to recover, and classes will benefit.

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Myth number 2. Do not dinner - useful

We all at least once heard the famous phrase of grief-nutritionists that breakfast need to eat himself, dinner to share with the other, and dinner give the enemy. It sounds beautiful, but there is no practical benefit from this advice.

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Modern studies show that regular dinner skipping leads to the fact that the organism has a slowdown in the metabolism and the sugar level is highly. All this as a result leads to increased fatigue and overeating during breakfast and lunch. That is why experts advise not to believe myths and be sure to eat both in the afternoon and in the evening, but for the last meal of the day to use something lung. The combination of vegetables and protein, for example, in this case is ideal.

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Myth number 3. Slimming depends on whether a person has the power of will

Today it is considered that a person who can not lose weight should only be on himself, because there is nothing complicated in weight loss: you eat less, and kilograms will begin to melting in front of your eyes.

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In fact, of course, our body is much more difficult. In one perseverance in the matter of construction of the perfect body, you will not go far, because the key in this question are genetics and lifestyle. Each of us is so individual that the general recommendations from the network is simply meaningless, and for advice it is better to go to a specialist who can develop a diet and load-based diet.

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And with what delusions relating to a healthy lifestyle, you met? Talk about it in the comments.

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