Successful finds. The best hybrids of cucumbers for growing in the greenhouse


    Good afternoon, my reader. Breeders work without downtrend. One of the results of their experiments is the removal of hybrid varieties of fruit crops. Such varieties of plants are distinguished by increased endurance, high yield and, of course, the excellent flavor of fruits. We suggest a look at the cucumber hybrids intended for growing in the greenhouse - it is such a variety that describes this article.

    Successful finds. The best hybrids of cucumbers for growing in the greenhouse 4961_1
    Successful finds. The best hybrids of cucumbers for growing in the greenhouse Maria Verbilkova

    Parthenicarpic grade shoots bring a generous crop of elongated fruits coated with soft skin with large tubercles. The length of the Zelents can reach 20 centimeters, their weight is usually 250 grams. Inside the cucumbers contain an excellent taste with a light flesh. The latter does not have the properties of shirt and does not grit. From a square meter of plantings in the yield, up to 25 kilograms of fruits are collected.

    It is possible to grow a plant in the open ground, on the balcony or in the container. Frosts of danger to shrubs do not imagine, the culture of mosaic disease and olive spottedness, but may be amazed by white rot. Pour the fruits of an early hybrid can already be 40-45 days after the appearance of the first sprouts.

    Suggesting supercounted varieties sueplit the right form of fruit up to 12 centimeters long. During the period of fruiting from one bush, you can collect up to 400 cucumbers. Under the white spikes covered with white spikes, they hide a crispy flesh.

    The Gybrid General F1 does not have the properties to grow, does not particularly need it in pinching. Shading and cold plant are not terrible, it is not exposed to diseases to disease. The described variety is counted for the group of early cucumbers, generous fruiting hybrid continues to delight until late autumn.

    The weight of "thick" dynamite fruits reaches 120 grams, grow up to 14 centimeters in length. The yield of this universal hybrid is 6-7 kilograms from a square meter of landings, in a successful year with the specified area, up to 15 kilograms of cucumbers are collected. Dynamite fruits harmoniously complement vegetable salads. The crop of the described variety can be transported.

    The plant does not like the plants, the seedlings are recommended for some distance from each other. The hybrid is unpretentious and does not need pollination, not afraid of elevated temperatures and drought. The causative agents of common diseases are dynamite bypass.

    Reaching 2.5 meters in the length of the shoots of Emelie bend under the severity of the fruit collected in the brush weight from 120 to 150 grams. In the length of the Zeletsa can reach 13-15 centimeters, covers their thin skin, under it hiding a sweet pillow with the flesh. The fruits of Emeli retain excellent flavor qualities for a long time, their cooks find an excellent ingredient to prepare all sorts of salads and blanks.

    Successful finds. The best hybrids of cucumbers for growing in the greenhouse 4961_2
    Successful finds. The best hybrids of cucumbers for growing in the greenhouse Maria Verbilkova

    Pollination described varieties does not require, but in tapping and formation needs. Gybrid is bred in greenhouses, you can grow it on the balcony. The plant easily copes with exposure to low temperatures, a small shading does not harm him. Common diseases The culture is not affected, the exception is false malievous dew and root rot. It is possible to serve the fruit fruits on the table by the fruits for 5th day after the appearance of germs.

    The fruits of the emerald city features an attractive appearance. The weight of the roots reaches 110 grams, the cucumbers grow to 9-12 centimeters in length. From a square meter of landings for the season, 12 kilograms of light green fruits are removed inside the tight pulp. The properties of the patter do not have, in cooking are used in the preparation of salads and pickles.

    Small neat prenie fruits grow to 9 centimeters in length, their weight usually does not exceed 80 grams. Inside the cucumbers covered with a large number of small tubercles contain a crunchy, poured flesh with juice. Zelentsy is used in the production of canned products, they are perfectly complemented by salads.

    Parthenocarpic hybrid can be grown both in the greenhouse and on the balcony or in the fresh air. Common diseases of the threat to the plant are not afraid of this variety and drought. The first harvest shoots Connie brought on 40-42 growth day.

    The shoots of a parthenokarpic hybrid bring a medium-sized crop (weighing up to 150 grams) of sweet fruits. From one plant removed up to 18 kilograms of crispy Zelentsov. Swaying the latter at the same time, after the collection for a long time retain an attractive appearance and freshness.

    The plant needs regular irrigation and feeding, it is necessary for him and formation. I appreciate the courage for the ability to resist the pathogens of such diseases as olive spottedness and mildew. It is possible to start a hybrid harvest to start 40 days after the appearance of germs.

    Successful finds. The best hybrids of cucumbers for growing in the greenhouse 4961_3
    Successful finds. The best hybrids of cucumbers for growing in the greenhouse Maria Verbilkova

    Fully covered with small tubercles, the fruits of goosebumps do not have the properties to be patched, under thin skin hide a crispy puffed with a flesh. The soft seeds contained in it with taste of cucumbers do not interfere. With one bush, up to 12 kilograms of fruits are removed from one bush. You can use the crop goosebumps in the preparation of blanks and salads.

    In pollination, the raven hybrid does not need. The plant is not prone to the defeatporiosoma and mildew dew. F1 goose crops can be assembled until the middle of the autumn.

    Estaft shoots bring the crop elongated fruit weighing up to 200 grams. The dark peel is covered with large tubercles with large tubercles, reliably protecting a pleasant taste to taste. From a square meter of landings, up to 40 kilograms of Zelentsov are removed. Culinary cucumbers of this variety prefer to use for the preparation of salads. The fruits of the relay can be transported.

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