Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water

Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_1
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_2
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_3
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_4
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_5
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_6
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_7
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_8
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_9
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_10
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_11
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_12
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_13
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_14
Silent Hill in the Stephenka. The street enveloped a thick ferry, the road flooded with hot water 4880_15

Communal PE occurred on Carvat Street: there broke the pipe with hot water. Couples from it hardened on tens of meters. It looks quite impressive, although in these frosty days the breakthroughs often occur. Onliner replied to the U. Minsk CommunTeploset that the specialists now find out what happened and what kind of pipe it was broken. The video with the consequences was published in the telegram channel of the blogger Anton Mot.

In the chat, people write people that some have already begun to cool the batteries. Comments of public utilities about what has happened yet.

Motorists in the area need to be careful: visibility is extremely bad here. According to traffic rules when choosing a speed of movement, the driver must take into account speed limits and other factors, including the visibility of the road in the direction of movement.

Later, the information about PE appeared in the telegram channel of the Minsk City Executive Committee. As the deputy head of the administration of the partisan district, Vladimir Lebed, explained, on the street of Carvat, the pipeline of the heating system is damaged, specialists are now working on site.

This plot serves Minsk Communcthal. On this network, heating is served in 23 residential buildings and kindergarten. Employees and special equipment of the enterprise are now working to eliminate damage. Emergency brigades have been formed in the Housing Economy for the operational restoration of the heat supply of buildings after the pipeline is repaired. "Communal services are aimed at performing the necessary work as soon as possible and minimize discomfort for citizens," the report says.


At about 16 o'clock, information appeared that the accident was localized, heat supply was restored in kindergarten. As Vladimir Lebed, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Partizansky District, is already restored in 18 houses of a residential area. Without heating on Karvat Street, there are 5 houses: №11, 15, 17, 19, 21. The necessary number of equipment and personnel are involved to quickly eliminate the problem.

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