Violated the rights of residents of Megry to use water resources - Ombudsman

Violated the rights of residents of Megry to use water resources - Ombudsman 4792_1

Azerbaijan's Armed Forces constantly violate the rights of residents of the Megrinsky community of the Syunik region of Armenia, the defender of Human Rights of Armenia Arman Tatachan. The question and the reasons for such a situation Tatokan introduced on his Facebook page.

"The inhabitants of Megry received alarming signals that more than 5 years ago, Azerbaijani Sun of Azerbaijan changed the row of the mountain inflow of the Megry River - Zvaraget, in the direction of Nakhichevan (Ordubad district). As a result, in Syuni cities, Megry and Agarak, villages NRNADZOR, SPVANIDZOR and ALVANK There are serious problems with access to drinking and irrigation water. In these settlements, most of the population of Megry community, and water for their needs was provided at the expense of the river.

The fact is that the influx of Zvaraget originates at an altitude of about 3,500 m above sea level on the southeastern slopes of the Zangezur mountains and then flows into the main river Megry. As a result of the melting of the snow, the water level in Zvaraget annually rises significantly by August, providing a full-fledged supply of drinking and irrigation water of residents of the people's named settlements of Megry. Without this, water across the river Megry enters the community only until June-July, as a result of which there is a lack of water resources. Vechers and the head of Megry community informed the defender of human rights about the fact that every month the Azerbaijani military with the help of special engineering equipment form obstacles and thus Change the river inflow direction towards Nakhichevan. As a result of such deliberate actions of Azerbaijan, from August since August annually arise serious problems with access to drinking and irrigation water from residents of Megry and Agara cities, villages NRNADZOR, SWANNIDSOR AND ALVANK. It is that there is a real threat to the life of people, since the influx of the rank is under The sight of the Azerbaijani military and is controlled by them. These are the actions of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan and, in other words, the authorities are roughly violated by the right to water guaranteed by international agreements, "says the Ombudsman, who intends to submit a report on the situation to the authorities of Armenia , as well as relevant international instances.

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