Impressive yields of tomatoes in the greenhouse - what to do to collect only such


    Favorite tomatoes are cultivated throughout the country - from southern to northern latitudes. However, in the regions with a colder climate, it is difficult to obtain a decent yield of delicious vegetable. In this case, the most appropriate option is to grow it in a greenhouse. But for this you need to know some agrotechnical nuances.

    Impressive yields of tomatoes in the greenhouse - what to do to collect only such 4764_1
    Impressive yields of tomatoes in Teplice - what to do to collect only such Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes in the greenhouse. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Tomatoes are a light-affilome plant, so the beds are preferably located from the east to the west. Before planting seedlings, the landing site should be carefully overhaul on the bayonet shovel.

    Vegetable culture loves warm fertile soil, full of vitamins and trace elements, as well as loose and humid. To burst into it, peat, sawdust or cutting straw make, which should be 20-30% of the entire soil. Excellent soil under tomatoes is obtained when mixed in equal parts: humid, peat, turf, and sand.

    Tomato seedlings are most conveniently located in a greenhouse with longitudinal rows with a distance between them at least 70 cm. In the ranks, the holes are deployed 12-15 cm with an interval of 45-50 cm for tall varieties and 30-35 for the average.

    Before planting seedlings, the soil must be disinfected for the prevention of diseases and different parasites. For this, 1-1.5 liters of the pink mortar of manganese (on the water bucket - 1 g of substances) are poured into each well. In this case, the solution should be determined by hot (in the range of 50-60 degrees). Seedlings are planted with an earthen room directly in a liquefied earthly earth and plunge to the first real leaflet. From above sprinkled with loose soil, the palms are slightly trambed and mulched by last year's compost, peat, straw, sawdust or beveled and dried grass.

    Impressive yields of tomatoes in the greenhouse - what to do to collect only such 4764_2
    Impressive yields of tomatoes in Teplice - what to do to collect only such Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Next, the stakes are driven, stretch along the rows of the wire and to it with the help of the twine, each plant is tested. In the process of growth, the twine gently wrapping around the stem.

    Temperature fluctuations in the greenhouse lead to different problems - from dropping flower buds to the death of plants. Especially dangerous return freezes in the spring and even at the beginning of the summer, despite the fact that tomatoes are grown in a secure ground.

    The first 5-6 days of tomato seedlings are better not to disturb, and then it is necessary to break the soil under each bush to ensure air access to the roots of seedlings. After that, after 2-3 days, the first watering is carried out, subsequent - once in 5-6 days, depending on the humidity and temperature of the air in the greenhouse (optimal for seedlings + 18-26 degrees during the day, at night - +15). After irrigated the soil, the soil is loose, and in hot weather a greenhouse is necessarily ventilated.

    Tomatoes do not like elevated air humidity, so robes are not watered in the usual way, but moisturize the soil with plastic bottles with a cut bottom. They are bought near each bush with a neck down, and then pour water in them. This is a very convenient way of watering, since the humidity in the greenhouse remains on the optimal level for tomatoes (45-65%), and besides, water does not fall into the leaves of plants.

    15-20 days after planting seedlings begin to make fertilizers in the soil: per 1 square meter. M is enough 20-25 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium sulfate. In the future, when the period of fruiting is suitable, feed once every two weeks (10 liters of water take 16 g of urea, 10 g of superphosphate and 16 g of magnesium sulfur).

    To achieve a good harvest from a tomato bush, it is 7-8 days after landing in a greenhouse begin to form in one stem. It is implied to remove all steppes on the stem (formed in the sinuses of the leaves).

    It is important not to skip the time to start the procedure. Delay even a few days can adversely affect the future harvest due to the resulting powerful side shoots, which most of the nutrients will take themselves. In the future, steps are carried out every 10 days.

    Impressive yields of tomatoes in the greenhouse - what to do to collect only such 4764_3
    Impressive yields of tomatoes in Teplice - what to do to collect only such Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    You can grow tomatoes and in 2 stems (leave stepsin under the first floral brush), and in 3 stems (leave the same one more largest).

    Duration when you can remove tomatoes, depend on the variety, time of landing, weather and cultivation conditions. In addition, tomatoes have four degrees of maturity: green, dairy, brown (or pink) and complete. Therefore, the time of cleaning fruit depends on what purpose they will be applied and after which time.

    Red tomatoes are primarily used for cutting salads, cooking juices, etc. For the salting and marination, tomatoes are broken by brown. Greens are usually collecting for long-term storage (more than 10 days).

    After a complete collection of fruits, all metal or wooden elements of greenhouses and the soil are treated with a solution of copper or iron mood (100 g per bucket of water). Polycarbonate and windows are carefully flushed.

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