In Riga lost 20 stops - how is it possible?

In Riga lost 20 stops - how is it possible? 476_1

Almost a detective story. In Riga, there are 20 public transport stops. Were and did not. To unravel this story, it took several days. But now it is clear - in the near future, the capital can lose hundreds of stops, according to the Russian broadcasting program LTV7 "Tonight".

The roof disappeared. Wanted. Special signs are large, comfortable, saves from wind and rain. Only traces on the asphalt remained from the stop "Rusonu".

"At first there were red-white ribbons. The next day the stop was no longer. What was wrong? Probably she was in disrepair. Only on this you might think, "a resident of Kengarags Nina shares his gaga.

The same loss at the shkirotava stop. In total, two dozen stops were disappeared. Where to? To answer this question, I had to spend a few days. Rīgas satiksme answered simply - they do not know, they do not start stops. The following structure is Riga Stroyoprava. There answered three days.

"These specific stops are JCDECAUX property. They were installed at the beginning of two thousandths. Stops ended permission to post advertising. And, as I understand it, because of this, the merchant decided to dismantle the stops. But to dismantle the stops legally, the relevant documents in the construction department must be coordinated. There are no such documents, therefore it is so far that disassembling other stops is suspended, "says the representative of the Construction Department Edgar Butans.

This company in Riga owns about six hundred stops. Their firm built and contains at their own expense. For this places advertising on them, pays for this tax. Head of the company Elena Brocane says it is not a permit for advertising. Stops ended the service life. Back in 2016. And Stroyoprava knew about this for a long time. For the last 4 years, the firm is trying to find out from the Riga Duma what to do with stops.

The answer came this year. The company began to be fined for accommodation at advertising stops. Already 44 administrative acts for several thousand euros. The company did not wait anymore and now demolitions old stops. 20 is dismantled. Another 80 more. According to the representative of the construction department of Edgar Butanza, the life of the stops could still be extended by submitting documents for extending the service life. But the director of Jcdecaux Latvija Elena Brocane says that for the first time he heard about it. And not from the buildings. The question is interested in the Riga Duma. In its interests - save stops.

"It's interesting everything happened, because they wanted to agree on one advertisement with the construction department and those watched the documents in which this construction was generally not commissioned. In principle, it is illegal. And if it is legalized, then you need to pay for land rental. They say that in the contract, which they concluded with the previous administration, do not ask for land rental and they refuse to pay, "says the Chairman of the Committee for Messages and Transport of the Riga Duma OLAFS Pulks. He also reported that the contract with the company was concluded until 2034. And the point that you can not pay for rent for land - illegal.

But the director of Jcdecaux Latvija Helena Rubkin is another version: "We place the stop for our money, including we pay an advertising tax. He, however, is reduced. And we pay the rental of the land of Rīgas satiksme through the company that won the competition at the stop and for posting advertising on public transport. I honestly hurts the heart when I look at your attitude towards us, entrepreneurs, as we have recent years. We must all, and no one and nothing. "

How really? Without the contract in the hands you will not discern. But if the company will remove stops with a canopy, what will be instead of them? Passengers, although not everyone, the Department of Message promises benches. This is a temporary solution until the Riga Duma decides how to resume stops.

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