How to germinate for planting potatoes - 5 ways to choose

How to germinate for planting potatoes - 5 ways to choose 4718_1

Tubers for landing must be prepared in a timely manner, preferably, having a little more than a month.

Proper training launches biological processes in the tubers associated with the formation of sprouts and the development of the root system. Thanks to this, you can get early and strong shoots, throw patients and low-product tubers.

Accordingly, shoots are obtained smooth and friendly, and the harvest at the end of the season will delight.

An effective way to get strong and healthy sprouts is to germinate, which speeds up the appearance of germs, the beginning of the formation of tubers and increase the yield of potatoes. There is dry and wet germing, as well as a mixed way.

1. How much to germinate potatoes

Dry germination takes from 20 to 40 days, for this it is necessary to have sufficient lighting and observe the temperature regime.

In the light, the potatoes forms strong seedlings with the roots of roots, the tubers are green and become resistant to the influence of adverse factors.

2. Wet germination

With moist germination, the tubers of seed potatoes are placed in boxes that poured with wet sawdust, peat or humus, withstand in the dark, at a temperature of about plus 12 - 15 degrees.

To preserve moisture, the substrate must periodically shed. This is necessary to form not only sprouts, but also a strong root system.

3. Mix for strong roots

You can combine dry and wet method.

For this, the tubers first germinate in the light of about 20 days, after which they are placed in a wet environment for another 10 days so that the sprouts that appeared after the first stage were able to form good roots.

How to germinate for planting potatoes - 5 ways to choose 4718_2

4. Imaging

Imaging is carried out in the warm room, laying up potato tubers into one layer and to withstand it without lighting within 5-8 days before the formation of germs of sprouts.

During insulating, nutrient elements are accumulated in the tubers, which accelerate the germination of eyes and the appearance of potatoes. The growth and development of such tubers occurs more intensively.

5. Heating

Warming up tubers - this method is suitable for those who did not have time to perform all the above actions to prepare seed potatoes to disembarking.

3-4 days before planting charming tubers at a temperature of 35-40 ° C. This contributes to the awakening of the kidneys and the rapid appearance of shoots.

Reference to farmers

Potatoes are very susceptible to the pathogens of mushroom, viral and bacterial diseases.

The causative agents of the overwhelming majority are transmitted with seed material. Potato tubers are rich in water and starch, which is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, microscopic mushrooms caused by diseases. Therefore, before landing, it is recommended to check the sowing qualities of the seed material and evaluate the compliance of the rates of sowing qualities in the field of seed production of agricultural plants.

During the current period of 2021, four peasant farms of the Astrakhan region dealing with the cultivation of potatoes, laboratory checked the sowing qualities of seed material on the basis of the Astrakhan branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Rostov Reference Center Rosselkhoznadzor" (Astrakhan, ul. Red Embankment, 83, Liter D) and We received a conclusion about the corresponding indicators of the seed potatoes of the requirements of GOST 33996-2016.

The material was prepared by a specialist of the Inspection Authority of the Astrakhan branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Rostov Reference Center Rosselkhoznadzor".

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