What's wrong with computer science lessons at school: Full Overview

What's wrong with computer science lessons at school: Full Overview 4707_1

What is missing students, teachers and parents

"Atlas of new professions" argues that by 2030 186 new professions will appear in the world. Most of them are associated with the IT-sphere, but computer science is studying only an hour per week. The exam on it began to spend on computers only recently.

We understand with the online school of programming Kodabra, which is happening in the informatics lessons, which teachers and disciples think about this and how to make this item useful in reality.

What is happening in computer science lessons at school

In school, informatics begins with the 7th grade, are engaged in lesson per week. In some schools, it is more - lessons begin with 5 or grade 6, spend more than 2 hours a week. As a rule, this happens in schools with in-depth study of physics and mathematics or in schools, where parents were able to convince the director in the need for computer science.

Most often in schools are engaged in the Bosova program, although the teacher can choose other programs. Bosova's program is chosen due to the fact that it is simply written, not only a textbook, but also presentations and tasks for verification.

But there is a minus - it was created for village schools, and children from schools with an in-depth study of mathematics and physics, it seems boring.

The content of lessons depends on the program, and from the teacher. As the teachers themselves say, they often teach what they like, and not what is needed by the program. Also, the content of the lesson depends on the school level.

In a physico-mathematical lyceum, a major part of the course will be held programming - children study classic algorithms, programming languages, machine learning and web development. Pupils make a lot themselves, and the teacher more acts as a consultant. In ordinary schools, more time is paid to information processing, get acquainted with communication technologies.

Teachers try to include more practical tasks in lessons. So lessons are becoming interesting and useful for children.

Sergey Anokhin, Teacher Informatics:

I try to explain the theory for 10-15 minutes, and then turn to practice, we solve the task. Of course, there are theoretical classes where they consider bits and bytes and work only in notebooks. But I almost always prepare practical work on all topics. We disassembled five to ten minutes and then we work.

Mathematics and informatics themselves do not mean the meaning, what's the point of sitting on the buttons to press, the equations are solved. Meaning is born when you in some kind of acting to use them. And I have practical work with material from history, geography and mathematics. You do not just do something like that, but you can apply it.

Children react better precisely on practical tasks. And it is not so important that they were carried out on a computer, more importantly, that they have a meaning.

Dasha, St. Petersburg, Grade 7:

For three months, we have never turned on the computer. On the one hand, it is strange. On the other hand, we study the database, for example, bits and bytes. And I'm wondering, because I can turn on and so I can, but I didn't know the bases.

In the lesson, we work out the topic with the help of practical tasks. We are told, we are abstract, and then practical tasks withdraw on an interactive board. For example, they ask in which line of search queries will be more.

David, Moscow, Grade 6:

Before the remote, we learned more applications. In grade 5, the text was printed, then Paina was studied. Now we still solve logical tasks. I go to computer science without much desire, because too easy.

But tasks and content change to the remote. Much has changed after the transition to distance learning is also said teachers and students. They note that academic debt accumulated in computer science. This is due to the fact that the guys do not understand the complex theme, but shy to ask at all. Previously, they could have a suggestion of the teacher, he sat down, hinted on the right decision and the child did on.

What is missing informatics lessons

Pupils have little motivation.

Teachers noted that not all children are customized to learn when they come to high school. And on remote learning it becomes more noticeable - if children do at least something on living lessons, then problems begin at home.

Dmitry Mikhalin, Teacher Informatics:

Computer science is not a vital subject. Without it, children can safely live and receive a profession. But it is difficult to call the educated person who does not understand how to work with information, how to imagine it, protect and distinguish with reliable from unreliable.

Parents do not quite agree with teachers. They believe that informatics are needed, and uninteresting benefits and lessons are guilty in poor motivation.

Eleanor, mother of a seventh grader:

My real happens online, which means that their future will definitely be there. In Moscow, you can find a job by the courier, but with a laptop you can do more in two or three hours, it is better to implement better and without stress and traffic jams.

My son, for example, would like to do if it were not for a primitive format. I saw a modern technique on computer science. It was told how to make the game "Snake." I read the same technique in my childhood twenty years ago.

Lack of basic knowledge.

According to teachers, children come with very different knowledge and literacy levels.

In one class, children make independent work for the lesson, in another - for three. Perhaps this is due to the fact that now, when there are many techniques around, children are not particularly trying to figure out how it works. Children understand how to use the smartphone and stop at it.

Little time to study the subject.

Most often, children are engaged in an hour per week. During this hour, you can only give basic knowledge. Some children will be small, and some - a lot. As a result, interest is lost in the first and second.

Dmitry Mikhalin, Teacher Informatics:

Often those who want and can seriously engage in programming, in high schools go to schools with in-depth study of mathematics and computer science. But some remain in their schools, and programming go to mugs and courses. It would be nice if there were suitable circles for everyone.

Not enough competent teachers.

Computer science teachers in one voice say that finding new colleagues is difficult.

Find a teacher who will give basic classes is easy, but finding a specialist who knows how to use different applications and program in three languages ​​- no. Perhaps this is due to the fact that savvy techi do not go to school, they find high-paying work in the IT sector or other companies.

But there may be another problem - techman without pedagogical skills difficult at school.

Sergey Anokhin, Teacher Informatics:

You need to be able to communicate with children. If the teacher is very clever, but will only read lectures, will not invest in communicating with children, children will go to other groups to other teachers.

Children know, but do not understand the subject.

Due to the fact that lessons are small, but you need to cover a large area of ​​knowledge, the teachers teach themselves. And on the one hand, this can be enough to interest children, but not enough for the children to understand the whole essence.

Nikolay Vedernikov, teacher of codabra:

What happens when we poke into a shortcut, how the application is running, how RAM works, as the processor conducts calculations. General view need to have about everything. If you want to deepen, you write the code - but if you do not understand why one solution is better than the other, do not understand what is happening in the computer, then you are a bad specialist.

What should be the computer science teacher


Children will have to use digital skills in practice, it means that the teacher must be able to be able to show different ways to solve the same tasks. And the more he worked with programs from different spheres of life, the better.

Andrey Kook, teacher of codabra:

Computer science teacher is digital labor. He has no abstract knowledge, he knows how to make hands a lot. It is more important not even technical education, but experience and ability to be on "you" with many programs.

Practical classes help the child to understand where the knowledge gained will be useful. And these classes must comply with the interests of the child: you want, do the game, you do not want - you develop a site.

Nikolay Vedernikov, teacher of codabra:

We pass conditional operators and the child should understand where it will come in handy. Not from the point of view of computer science. The child comes the game to create and he explains that if the character fell, he has a minus life - here he is a conditional operator.

I was in school in school - we passed the cycles and this is enough to make any program. And the teachers did not pay attention to it.

The narrator.

The less time to study the subject, the laconier and brighter there should be a teacher. The more important that he can hook a student and properly submit the material.

Nikolay Vednikov:

I'd best remember the teacher scheme engineering. He never told a naked theory, and added stories, bikes, jokes. And all these stories helped me from one study moment to another, he led examples or conducted parallels.


Also in school lessons, the teacher is more important to involve children than to be a superechnar. It is important to show that the computer science helps to live and work, and the approach can be found to anyone: someone will want to make a site, someone - create a game, and someone - write a script for a smart home.

Andrey Coast:

And the lessons of informatics are a bit, 35 lessons per year. Each lesson can be made crazy interesting - show movies about equipment and computers, talk about scientists and interesting people. Junior grads give a historical certificate, with the elders to disassemble cases and tasks to solve.

That in the end

In the future, any profession will require a child of digital knowledge and skills. And it seems that school lessons on computer science will not be enough. At the same time, schools are already ready to meet the demands of students and parents - for this there are equipment and methodological manuals. Lack of teachers and time to study the subject. According to the teachers themselves, children who are interested in studying IT technologies, go to the side. " But whether the school needs to receive all the knowledge of her walls, this is another question.

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