Brothers for almost five years tolerated mockery to grow long hair on wigs sick children

Brothers for almost five years tolerated mockery to grow long hair on wigs sick children 467_1

Boys in childhood inspired documentary

11-year-old Caleb and 9-year-old Aaron Tekabevorka from Pennsylvania almost five years old made long hair for charity. They needed not easy, tells Daily Mail.

The idea to grow hair came Caleba and Aaron in April 2016. The boys looked at a documentary about a small patient of the hospital, which was treated from cancer. One girl handed him a wig made from her hair.

Tekabevork brothers were only 7 and 5 years old. The plot of the boy and the good act girl impressed them that they also wanted to help sick children.

For fun five years it took them to grow curls to the lower back. All this time, the guys teased at school because of the appearance. To care for lush chapels, the boys were also in a novelty - they spent the clock to disperse them.

"We were a lot teased and trembled at school," said the eldest of the brothers, Caleb. "I just reminded myself why I grow my hair. I continued to do this, because in spite of everything I wanted to achieve my goal, "the boy remembered.

In early February 2021, the brothers cut off almost 50 centimeters of hair and sent WIGS for Kids charity organization, which manufactures wigs for children who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy, irradiation, alopecia, trichothyloman, burns and for other reasons. The boys decided to go to the hairdresser on February 4th - on the World Cancer Fight Day. WIGS FOR KIDS will notify boys about who in the end wigs were donated.

The 9-year-old Aaron will not wait for it when he can personally meet these children. "I want to meet with them, because the only thing I thought throughout these four and a half years - as I see their smile," the boy said.

Caleb and Aaron want to relax from daily care for long curls or two years and try again.

Moma is very proud of: "We were most surprised that the peers teased them in school because of the hair, and people mistakenly took them for girls, but they did not speak about it at all until they were asked." "The whole essence for us was to give something free and from the bottom of my heart with the only motive - to make good for other people and see their smile," added Mom. "Our sons are very inspired by us," the woman emphasized.

Also, the boys gathered $ 3,415 for research at the University's Addis Ababa, aimed at finding treatment from cancer in children.

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