What applications are imperceptible to "kill" your iPhone battery


Probably, all IOS users have an unsolicited set of applications that we ignore and do not install under any circumstances. In some of these applications for cleaning memory, others have utilities to increase autonomy, and third-party social networks. Since the App Store is in principle there is no dangerous software, we do not install the position from the "black list" simply because we consider them useless or distracting. However, experts assure that there are such types of applications that can really harm the autonomy of our devices. I wonder what kind of applications are these?

What applications are imperceptible to
Some iOS applications spend charging so that you don't even notice

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Of course, the App Store is full of resource-intensive applications that consume more energy than others. These are games, and photo editors, and apps for editing video. However, according to Harrit Chen, the co-founder of the CocoFinder service, there is at least one application that climbed to the top of the list in terms of energy intensity, and this is Snapchat. What? Yes, it sounds at least strange, but the Chen have an explanation.

Why idhone is quickly discharged

What applications are imperceptible to
Snapchat is one of the most resource-intensive applications that do not seem completely.

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However, in addition to passive functions, which lead to the discharge of the battery, there are also active, recalls Chen. The use of the chamber and special effects in augmented reality has a serious load on the battery. But if you can control this feature yourself, then here is a passive update - it is already more difficult. Maximum that can be done is to disable it in the IOS settings, the definition of Snapchat your location in the background. This will save the battery resource, prohibiting the application to contact the geolocation services while you do not use. In addition, you can completely disable notifications so that the service is not updated continuously in their expectation and did not send them every minute, activating the screen and spending the battery.

Applications that eat a battery

What applications are imperceptible to
In fact, all social applications spend a lot of resources in the background, and you think that spend a lot of time in them.

Honestly, it seems that the Chen have some personal accounts with Snapchat. After all, I can immediately call with the heels of applications that make something about the same as Snapchat:

  • Instagram.
  • Facebook.
  • Tiktok.
  • Whatsapp
  • In contact with
  • Twitter.

If you are not satisfied with the discharge rate of your iPhone, you can buy an external battery for it. The iPhone 12 has the most comfortable and inexpensive. For example, here is a great thing with Ali.

You can actually enumerate a very long time, because the enormous number of applications track the location of the users and send notifications. For example, I do not use snapchat at all and I use instagram very little, but I have Twitter, which is liquefied a fair energy supply of the battery. Just throughout the day I get hundreds of notifications about the events that occurred, the infoovodes that need to "work", etc. Accordingly, the screens of my devices rarely go out more than 10 minutes. And this, as you understand, directly affects the discharge of the battery, although directly with twitter I interact quite a bit.

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Is it possible to deal with it? Sure you may. But the most effective solution to this question is the most cardinal. Likewise, it is necessary that you can refuse most of the notifications or simply delete the application. Some do it. But if your work is conjugate with the events that need to be reacting immediately, or you often communicate with colleagues or loved ones in messengers, social networks, or simply do not imagine your life without paying the tape of publications or storage in instagram, and removable battery you Not suitable, there are no solutions for you. Just come across.

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