6 familiar things that harm teeth


You can brush your teeth twice a day, go to the dentist on time and still have problems. It's about our daily habits that are slow, but surely harm a smile. That's what exactly to refuse:

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Gnawing handles and pencils

It helps many people concentrate or stop worrying. However, this habit has more harm than good. So the enamel appear cracks, due to which the tooth begins to react to cold and hot. If you need to calm down, shake the cheek without sugar.

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Photo: WDay.ru.

Get involved in jelly candies

They together with caramel and marmalade are more dangerous for a smile than other sweets. These candy stick to the teeth, and saliva does not cope with cleaning. So particles get stuck and become an ideal environment for the development of bacteria that lead to caries. For the same reason, it is worth choosing lollipops without sugar.


It is thinning enamel and leads to breakdown of teeth. Often people creak teeth in a dream and do not even know about it. You can find out about the problem if the head begins to hurt, throat, ears and jaws. Dentists recommend to put protection for teeth and change body position in a dream. A psychologist will help to understand deeper to understand the reason.

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Photo: Vash-Dentist.ru.

Drink a lot of coffee and red wine

Caffeine causes dry mouth, and lack of saliva leads to the development of caries. If you drink sweet coffee, the situation is only worsening. Because of the drink, they also begin to darken teeth.

Red wine affects smile white. It contains an acid that damages enamel so that the dyes are easier to penetrate into the teeth. To avoid this, drink clean water after the wine glasses or shake the cheer to stirre out saliva. It is better to eat protein food, such as cheese.

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Photo: Vinofil.ru.

Click seeds

This is not the best option for snacks during a movie or walk. Because when we clean seeds, our teeth are stepping. Over time, due to this habit between the front teeth on top and bottom, a V-shaped excavation may appear. It is best to click the seeds with your hands.

Often enjoy toothpicks

Although they are designed to clean the teeth, most often the toothpicks are harmful to them. They are quite thick, so they cannot effectively cope with their task and fully clean the dental gaps. To all, the tip of the toothpick is very sharp and can injure gums, as well as cause bleeding. Instead, you can use a dental thread.

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