Traditions of Nogai - guest-friend and rain call

Traditions of Nogai - guest-friend and rain call 4462_1
Traditions of Nogai - guest-friend and rain call

According to historians, the Nogai became a common people after the collapse of the Golden Horde, when they were able to create their own state. And if a lot of tribes disappeared during a long history, the Nogai Ethnic has survived and retained not only the memory of the past, but also his rich culture.

In the traditions of Nogai reflect the beliefs and lifestyle of these people, their values ​​and morals. This people of the North Caucasus holy keeps old customs, celebrates holidays, which have no longer one century. What are they - Nogai? What can be seen on their celebrations? What rituals are invariably held?

Traditions of hospitality

Nogai is one of the most hospitable and welcoming peoples of the world. In the former times in their language, the words "friend" and "guest" did not differ in pronunciation. For Nogaitsa, really a guest of his house is his associate and friend.

The owner of the house was obliged to defend a person who had a shelter in his dwelling, from any disaster - even from blood revenge. Amazingly, but even in the house of his sworn enemy, the Nogaen became his friend - even if he was in these four walls. The owner had to forget the previous resentment and take care of his Guest.

When guests appear on the threshold, the Nogai hurry to slaughter a lamb or chicken - depending on the security of the family. If the guest came to riding, his horse was also to take care of the owner. What is interesting, Nogai believe that guests can not ask about their visit, the time they plan to stay. Report this owner can only themselves.

Nogai beliefs and rites

In the distant past, the Nogai were pagans, but the spread of Islam significantly changed the culture of this nation. Today, most of his representatives are Muslims of the Khanafitsky Mazhab.

This direction appeared as the right school of a Sunni sense in the VIII century, and later firmly fixed on the Nogai lands. The peculiarity of this direction Islam is a strict hierarchy when making any verdict. So, when solving important issues, preference is given to the opinion of the majority.

However, many pagan elements remained in the modern traditions of Nogai. So, for example, the custom of the rain challenge. Since most of the people live on lands with a dry climate, from ancient times this ritual was mandatory.

Nogai call this rite Andir Showai. In the dry season, women were preparing a special scarecrow. To do this, they took a shovel to which the stick was nailed, which imitated hands. The figure dressed in a female dress, turned inside out, put on her handkerchief.

After that, the doll was worn through all the yards of the village. Girls who performed ritual were to sing a song, and all the passers-by generously poured water that they took with them. Near the source of water, the Nogai make a sacrifice, after which the universal meal of residents of Aul are arranged.

Today, this ritual has been preserved in remote areas, where travelers can see it practically unchanged. In the old days, Nogai believed that such a ritual would help to attract the rain, thoroughbred patrons, which will encourage the clouds and let go of the earth by life.

Family traditions of Nogai

The whole life of a person involves compliance with certain rites, but the most unusual traditions of the Nogaians were associated with the birth of a child. It is believed that the body of the newborn is "raw".

So that it is more likely to "hard", the baby forty days bathe in a slightly salted water. It is important that the baby was dressed in the shirt to the fortieth day of his life, she flew in the cradle, and was also tonsured. Digging the first hair holds grandfather.

As a gratitude, he gives his shirt, and he presents a little grandson of a valuable gift - a lamb or bull. Nogai consider the first hair of the kid "morning". They believe that if you do not shave them, the child will be susceptible to diseases and troubles.

The first shirt for the kid is an equally important attribute. She was considered a special guard. She sewed her from the native shirt of the elder or mother of the child. After the baby is dressed in this clothes, it is removed and fought through a hole made in bread.

Then, this squeezed piece hang on the neck of the dog, and rural children drive her down the street. Nogai believe that it takes everything bad with bread, which is in the baby, all negative qualities that can manifest themselves.

Wedding rituals

A holiday, filled with old rituals and customs, remains a noga wedding. It is preceded by a long and complex preparation process, which contains a lot of local traditions. Directly at the celebration you can see several unusual rites.

For example, redemption of dumplings. The groom should try dumplings made in a mixture, after which pays for the consistent treat. It is believed that such a simple ritual brings two families, shows the seriousness of the future spouse.

Even today, many traditions of the Nogai wedding correspond to the fact that they were in the distant past. Like their ancestors, the Nogai can call any passion on their celebration. At the same time, even a completely unfamiliar person will be adopted as the desired guest, gifted by attention and care.

The traditions of Nogaites are the reflection of the principles and life of the obstacles of this nation. Amazingly, but in many centuries they have almost changed, but rather, they added separate modern moments. Nogaits still remain benevolent people, welcoming owners, which know about the rules of hospitality not at the break. This people are really worthy of their glorious ancestors.

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