What will happen if you wash your head cool


At some point, the idea washing the head of Kolya turned into a fashion trend, which grabbed celebrities. Some are confident that the soda is capable of replacing the shampoo or rinse, others consider it a good shadowing agent, others use the cola to create the effect of wet hair.

We in "Take and do" checked on themselves how to use a popular carbonated drink when it comes to hair.

Method number 1: What will happen if you wash your hair with a cola

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It is assumed that the soda is used as a replacement shampoo: applied to dirty wet hair, which are then washed with water. Use additional funds (air conditioning or fascizer) optional. Result: After washing and drying, the hair looked clean, but glued together with each other - as if they were sprinkled with a lot of varnish for laying. At the same time, the roots of the hair remained dirty, and the fat for them became sticky.

Method number 2: What will happen if you use cola instead of balm

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In this case, you must first wash the head with ordinary shampoo, and then use the cola instead of the rinse balm. It is more convenient to pour a drink in a bowl, then the hair is dipped into it, then you should wait a few minutes and rinse well with warm water to the hair.

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Result: Hair purchased glitter, softness and some volume, but the ends have become stitching in different directions along the entire length. From the smell of drink, which was clearly felt during rinsing, there was no trace.

Method number 3: What will happen if you want a cola curly hair before washing

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"Original taste" and "without sugar."

You must first wet the hair with a drink, then leave a stake on the hair for a few minutes, then rinse with shampoo. If you are experiencing due to a possible sticky of hair, use the cooke without sugar. Result: The soda will give gloss with hair and make curls more pronounced by emphasizing their natural shape.


It is possible that the shine, softness and small hair volume give certain ingredients included in the drink. Nevertheless, there is no reason to consider it a useful hair procedure, so it is better to try to achieve the effects obtained using professional hair products.

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