Billionaire Mark Kububan accidentally revealed his Etherium address. What cryptocurrencies keep an investor?


Investor Mark Kububan owns a sports team Dallas Mavericks, regularly appears on the Shark Tank's financial show, and its own capital exceeds a 4 billion dollars bar. But the fans of the blockchain worries another question - what kind of cryptocurrencies actually owns a billionaire? It turns out that quite a few Ethereum-based defi-protocols on-based protocols did not pass by the attention of Kuban. At twitter, he made it clear that "bought a little Schitkoins." We tell about the situation more.

Let's start with the explanation. Blockchalters of popular cryptocurrency are open and transparent. This means that anyone can see the details of any transaction without any difficulties, the amount of translation and even the volume of the commission paid. The same applies to cryptocurrency addresses that contain coins - their contents can be studied, but the personality of the owner of the wallet you will not know.

However, if you associate a person's identity with a specific address, everything becomes much easier. Then everyone will be able to see the savings of a person and how he spends his coins. For example, the cryptocurrency community knows at least two addresses of the creator of Etherium Vitaly Biderina, as the developer shared one of them back in 2018.

Here is the fresh content of the first address of the Vitalik. It has 333 thousand ethers by $ 454 million and tokens for 191 thousand dollars.

Billionaire Mark Kububan accidentally revealed his Etherium address. What cryptocurrencies keep an investor? 4131_1
The first address of Vitalik Biderina

The second address contains a little less than 20 ether, but there are 2.6 million dollars here.

Billionaire Mark Kububan accidentally revealed his Etherium address. What cryptocurrencies keep an investor? 4131_2
The second address of Vitalik Biderina

Now it has ceased to be a secret and address of the billionaire Mark Kubana. And he opened the combination itself - perhaps not wanting to do.

Billions and cryptocurrencies

First of all, the billionaire shared a video with him, where he dances in the sports form Mavericks. The entry is tied to a unique token on the Etheric Blockchalter, which can be purchased on the Rarible trading platform, reports Decrypt. The roller looks like this.

That is, in fact he just wanted to share the video with him and offer subscribers to purchase this example of digital art.

The platform works on the auction principle. And therefore, who will offer a big bet, he will win.

Billionaire Mark Kububan accidentally revealed his Etherium address. What cryptocurrencies keep an investor? 4131_3
Rarible interface with Mark

What is the most interesting, in the account of the brand on Rarible, you can find a public cryptocurrency address - that is, essentially the address of the wallet, which is at your disposal billionaires. It is displayed in the human profile that has created an NFT-token.

Billionaire Mark Kububan accidentally revealed his Etherium address. What cryptocurrencies keep an investor? 4131_4
Cryptocurrency address brand Kubana

Lovers of the blockchain already "rushed" in it. The address contains 8.41 Eth in the amount of more than 11 thousand dollars. Also there you can find various not the most famous altcoins.

Billionaire Mark Kububan accidentally revealed his Etherium address. What cryptocurrencies keep an investor? 4131_5
Content Wallet Mark Kubana

So, first of all, Mark gives preference to ETH Ether.

Users also drew attention to another address from which the first was replenished. Typically, the owners of cryptocurrency distribute the funds, so most likely the coins on it also belong to the investor.

There are esters of 14 thousand dollars and mountain tokens at at least 130 thousand dollars. Staked Aave is a large share among them, that is, the coins of the so-called Aave liquidity platform sent to Staying. They help the operation of the system and provide passive income to the owner.

Billionaire Mark Kububan accidentally revealed his Etherium address. What cryptocurrencies keep an investor? 4131_6
Second cryptocurrency address brand

Note that Mark Kububan gradually turned from a cryptocurrency skeptic in an interested investor. Still relatively recently, he stated that there were allegedly very little from cryptocurrency, and he himself owns no more than $ 130 in Bitcoin. However, later Cuban admitted that she invests in cryptocurrency and has an account on the popular American Coinbase cryptobier.

We believe that attention to the niche cryptocurrency from the famous billionaire and the investor will accurately go to the benefit of the industry. As can be understood from the activity of the brand, he fucked by digital art in the blockchain and gradually disassembled. In addition, he holds tokens from the sphere of decentralized finances, which also speaks of his interest in new versions of the use of cryptocurrency networks.

Apparently, in the future fans, cryptocurrencies will be more and more. At a minimum, the industry is now developing very quickly.

For the development of events in the market, you can trace in our cryptocat. Also do not forget to look at us in Yandex Zen.

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