"All will pay": how much will you have to give the state for the contribution to the bank?


In 2021, a tax with deposits was introduced in Russia. He will raise not only those who keep more than 1 million rubles on the deposit, experts warn. To replenish the treasury of the state and in the event that the amount of the contribution is less, "arguments and facts" are transmitted.

Everything will depend on how the total income contributes per year. In some cases, 13% of NDFL will have to pay, even if the amount on the deposit is less than 1 million rubles, in others it will not be necessary to pay, even if the amount exceeds 1 million rubles.

Can pensioners not pay tax coverage?

The law says that taxes are obliged to pay all, even those categories of citizens who have benefits in other situations. These are pensioners, and disabled, and large families.

Meanwhile, it is necessary to remember that the income on ruble accounts will not be taxed, which during the entire year no more than 1% per annum (for example, salary), and income on ESCRO accounts are charged.

From what moment will the taxes have to pay?

The partner of the CCMG consulting network in Russia and the CIS Donat Subniek explained that the interest obtained before December 31, 2020 is inclusive, are not taxed, and interest received from January 1, 2021 falls under the new rules.

"That is, you will have to pay personal income tax, even if you have entered into a deposit agreement in 2020 or earlier, even before the law on the taxation of deposits," said the expert.

In addition, the contribution tax will be obligatory if during the calendar year from one or several banks received the amount above the non-depleted minimum. This minimum is calculated as follows: income from the contribution of 1 million rubles at the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which operated on January 1 of that year, when the bank credited interest on the investor account.

What income will not be addressed in 2021?

The key rate of the Central Bank on January 1, 2021 is set at 4.25%. It turns out to be depositors will not need to pay 13% if the deposits will bring to 42.5 thousand rubles during this year.

Who determines the amount of tax?

This is done by the Federal Tax Service, which is obliged to notify the investor that he needs to pay the tax. Then a citizen needs to list the specified amount to the FTS account. The annual payment period is before December 1, that is, the income tax on deposits obtained in the current year will have to pay until December 1, 2022.

How is the amount of payment calculated?

First, FNS staff summarize the revenues that are obtained in all banks where deposits were. Then the cumulative income decreases to a non-taxable minimum. And from the remaining amount is charged 13%.

How do tax on currency deposits pay?

This operation is simply carried out: interest income is translated into rubles at the official rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of receipt, and then by the usual scheme decreases to a non-taxable amount. By the way, the owner of the currency deposit can make a profit due to the growth of the foreign currency. At the same time, it should be remembered that the difference between the currency amounts in the account, recalculated in rubles at a different exchange rate, the income of the deposit is not considered and the NDFL is not subject to. Given that currency deposits have very low rates, the amounts of up to 40-60 thousand dollars are actually derived from the tax.

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