6 signs of good actors and why Kiana Rivz bad?

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Often, the audience intuitively understand that the actors involved in the movies are played bad. But not everyone can explain their point of view. But professional critics and directors are capable of distinguishing good actors from bad. Read today in the magazine



How to understand the actors play well or not

And at the same time, find out why Keanu Rivza is considered terrible in this regard. Explains the director and son of the historian Marcus Gedald.

1.Good actors are authentic
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Photo: Pinterest

You can judge about the professionalism of the actors if they can make the audience believe that they are experiencing their characters on the screen, or not. And it does not matter what they do at this point: chain from horror, they break up with lover or get a gunshot wound. If there is a feeling that the actors pretend, it means they do not work well.

2. They think over their game
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Photo: Cinema.de.

Good actors are preparing for their role for a long time. They think over the movements of their heroes, reflect on their motivation, try different ways to utter phrases. Some of them are even trying to get into the role, repeating the fate of their characters. For example, in front of the filming in the "Black Swan" Natalie Portman was diligently engaged in ballet.

As another example, you can take the work of Edward Norton over the film "Red Dragon". The actor wanted to show that his hero is very nervous during the interrogation scene. To do this, he was offered to hit her hand on the table, but Norton found such a move too banal and rude. He called the director to come up with how to convincingly play in this scene. As a result, they stopped on the fact that leaving the interrogation rooms, Edward's character will be wet from sweat. And the audience believed him!

3. Actors know how to surprise
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Photo: Cinemablend.com.

If the reaction of actors to one or another situation is predictable, then they play so-so. Their task is to catch the audience by surprise, otherwise they will be boring. For example, as the heroine can respond to the fact that she throws the groom? Options are endless: to distinguish, hysterically laughing, to splash to him with water in the face, hit, start to insult, knock off the surprise ...

Such talented actors like Jack Nicholson, Glenn Clouep, Johnny Depp, Al Pacino and Gary Oldman are able to reincarnate as if chameleons. Spectators never guess what their next reaction will be, and this is the whole charm.

4. They know how to listen to colleagues
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Photo: kino.tricolor.tv

Very significant scenes in which the actors are silent while others say on the plot. At this point, it is clearly visible who lives their role, and who thinks over the next replica or other technical nuances. Good actors fully focus on their colleagues, with which they interact in the frame.

If the words spoken by a silent actor have a physical impact on him, it means that he plays well. For example, an excellent listener is actress Claire Danes, which even when silent, does not fall out of the role.

5. Actors masterfully own body and voice
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Photo: Pinterest

The expressive speech and movement of actors suggest that they are well coped with their task. Their "Tools" does not interfere with the work and the characters do not look tense. It was such an actor was Philip Seymour Hoffman. He could not boast of the perfect press, but was good and vocally.

But at the actress Kristen Stewart in most cases hurts to watch. It looks as if it dreams at this moment where you want, if only away from the camera. The actress is very clamped and shy or it seems like that on the screen.

6. They are taken to play complex, contradictory characters
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Photo: DailyRecord.co.uk.

Talented actors are not afraid to exhibit a small, ugly features of the character of their characters, who in ordinary life people try to hide deep inside. Such an emotional nage on the screen is difficult to fake. If the audiences are close to the experiences of the main characters and they will recognize themselves in them, it means that the actors were height. These include, for example, Brian Cranston and Julianna Moore.

Why Kiana Rivz bad actor?
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Photo: Pikabu.

Many spectators are judged by the acting game on the impressions they receive from the film. But this is not very correct. If the role of Neo was given to another actor, then people would admire them as well as Keanu admire today. According to Marcus Gedald, Rivz fake and wooden. It seems that he reads text from cards, and does not utter it from the soul.

And the point is not that in the plot of his hero is discreet. There are a lot of examples when the actors played brilliantly. For example, Anthony Hopkins in the film "At the end of the day" or Tommy Lee Jones in the tape "old men there is no place." In this case, the voice and movement of the actors play an important role, so Kian is difficult to call a good actor, says Gedald.

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