?? How to protect your grandmother from scammers?


Many fraudulent schemes are aimed at the elderly: they are poorly understood how bank cards and online transfers work, so they are ready to believe the first oncoming. It is clear that we want to protect our grandparents from deception. But it is important to approach this right and definitely not to intimidate pensioners, forbidding them to talk with strangers by phone. We tell how to do it.

?? How to protect your grandmother from scammers? 3905_1

Erase three-digit code on the back of the card

Very often, fraudsters are represented by the Bank's employees and are trying to identify data on their map from retirees. If you erase CVV - three-digit code on the back of the card, the information will not be complete. Even if the grandmother calls the card number and the end of its action, the attacker will not receive access to money.

For the older people themselves, nothing will change: the card can be paid in stores, take money from it and replenish the score. And online purchases, if they suddenly need, take on yourself.

Limit cash with cards

This can be done in an Internet bank or in the department, if you come there with an elderly relative.

Sometimes fraudsters do not want to communicate with the cards and ask for cash money. Such a scheme is common: the attacker calls the elderly and says that his son hit a man. The victim is in order, but for silence you need to give 20,000 rubles. The credible pensioner can immediately run to an ATM, but with a restriction to remove a large amount he will not work.

Make so that the fraudster does not understand that the pensioner lives in the apartment

Bank card fraud is now very common, but also the usual traversions on the apartments have not disappeared anywhere. The attackers go home and fraudulently forcing their victims to sign a loan agreement or drive them useless goods. As a rule, they do not have a list of tenants, and the apartments of pensioners they calculate themselves according to the following signs: a shabby door, littered balconies and the contents of mailboxes - from payment notifications. Swims are learned how many people are spelled out in the apartment.

To the apartment of your grandmother did not attract the attention of fraudsters:

• Install the lock on the mailbox

• Put the balcony

• Replace the entrance door

• Install the camera's uniforms and stick the inscriptions like "video surveillance".

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