What was the name of famous writers and poets really?

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What was the name of famous writers and poets really? Photo: Depositphotos.

Literary pseudonyms are the thing familiar, and some well-known writers and poets we are accustomed to perceive precisely under these fictional names and surnames. Of course, creative pseudonyms of real names are known. What caused the writers to be called differently? We present some interesting stories about the names and names of Russian writers and poets.

Chukovsky's roots came up with a full name

From childhood, I remember how wildly and bizarre sounded the name and surname of the poet Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky sounded. Not surprisingly, after all, the author of the "cockroach", "Aibolita" and many other poetic works came up with them himself!

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I. E. Repin, "Portrait of Kornea Chukovsky", 1910 Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

The real name of the writer is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korechukov. When he began to write, it divided the name into two parts and added fictitious patronymic. So the roots of Chukovsky appeared on the world.

Simonov changed the name, upset parents

Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov Photo: G. Kapustyanskiy, Ru.Wikipedia.orgThe name given to the writer Konstantin Simonov's parents was Cyril. Already after the age of majority, at the age of 24, the writer changed him on a wiggle, in his opinion, reason: due to the characteristics of the articulation, he did not speak exactly half the letters of his name. Neither "P", nor "l" was not given to the young man, so he chose a harmonious Konstantin - and called him, and the mother subsequently crushed:Abohabil his name. Invented someone Constantine ...

Fet gained surname as a result of error

For the Father's Familia, Athanasius Feta was Shenshin, so the future writer was called to adolescent age. But then the election of the names was recognized as invalid, as the wife confessed Lutheranism, and the husband of Orthodoxy.

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Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet in his estate Sparrow, 1890 photos: Depositphotos

The boy began to be called the mother, Germans by origin. The surname was read as "Fet" (Foeth), but the first poems of the poet came out due to the mistake of the publisher under the name "Fet". He agreed to the loss of the letter "ё" and chose Fet his literary pseudonym.

Gorky - not a surname, Maxim - Non-name

True Maxim Gorky were Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. Believing that in the literature, his name does not come true, he chose a pseudonym: the name for the Father, whom he loved and lost early, and the "sounding" surname, which determined all his further creativity. The bitter fate of Russia and its inhabitants was described in the works of the author. His pseudonym was very personal, deep in meaning.

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Joseph Stalin's conversation with Maxim Gorky photo: ru.wikipedia.org

Gogol reduced the last name

The last name given to the Ukrainian writer Nikolai Gogol was Yanovsky. In 1821, his grandfather changed it to Gogol-Yanovsky. Most biographers believe that it was done in order to gain noble title.

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Gogol N.V. in 1834. Photo: Engraving L. Seryakova (Fig. Venetianova 1834), RU.Wikipedia.org

Dedova enterprise defined the future life of Gogol. He began to remove the second part of the surname from the signature, and then refused her at all. When familiar asked him, which means Gogol, he answered: "Spiece". In fact, it denotes a small duck size.

Sologub also worked for the Association

Due to similar desire to have belonging to the nobility, he changed the name Fyodor Sologub - at the birth of the books. A bright representative of Russian symbolism took a pseudonym at the insistence of the journal "Northern Vestnik", where he then printed, and two comrades: the poet of Nikolai Minsk and the critic of Akim Volynsky. In those days, the surname of Sologub (with two "l") was associated with the famous aristocratic genus. But the difference was required, and one letter "L" was removed. So the supernants became a strawberry.Fedor Sologub Photo: Maria Von Kananow, Ru.Wikipedia.org

Andrey White chose a symbolic pseudonym

Boris Nikolayevich Bugaev, another poet symbolist, also chose a pseudonym in accordance with his work. But I did it to hide my hobbies from the family. By the way, he invented the pseudonym not himself, but from filing a friend Mikhail Solovyov. The name Andrew was supposed to be associated with the apostle, it translates as "courageous". Surname White speaks of purity, it is divine color, a symbol of baptism.

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Andrey White. Brussels, 1912 Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

Igor Northerner is written through a hyphen

With youth and the first verses, Igor Northernik (real last name Lotarev) stretched to pseudonyms. The fake names were somewhat, but Igor-Northerner, written through the hyphen, became an act of initiating. The poet has invested a deep meaning.

Igor - the name given to him by the parents, and the sequisition of Northerner is not a name at all, but the second name. It brought the author to the royal names, pointed to the place of special love, and also performed the function of the overag. Unfortunately, the contemporaries did not accept the individuality of the author and signed his poems without a hyphena, turning Northerner in the surname.

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Igor Northerner, the end of the 1900s - the beginning of the 1910s. Photo: Leo Leonidov, ru.wikipedia.org

The choice of writers and poets of their pseudonyms is an interesting process. The writers can move similar motives, but the decision will ultimately be completely different. After all, even the choice of name and surname is the process of creativity.

Author - Maria Ivanchikova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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