"It's all she": 6 films about strong women

"It's all she": 6 films about strong women Anastasia Ageev

On the eve of the International Women's Day, Time Out talks about films whose heroines will blow you with their energy, mind and desire for the embodiment of the most cherished dreams.

Telma and Louise, 1991

Girlfriends Telma and Louise are planning to go on a little journey to relax from men - Muga-Commander, who does not allow the telma to calmly step down and a guy, and a guy who does not want to make themselves marriage obligations with Louise. On the way, the women stop in the bar skip the cup. When the host's owner is trying to rape the flowing telma in the parking lot, Louise does not remain anything but to release a bullet in it - and now the Girls pursues the police.

The film directed by Ridley Scott, famous for the "Alien" and "Flash Running" by the cult ribbons. Although this work is not quite characteristic of it, cinematographer with more than one can cope with high timing due to lively action, ironic dialogues, unexpected plot turns and incredible beauty of personnel with immense expanses of the American West.

Heroes rise against the roles prescribed by him by society, and enjoy the long-awaited freedom. Perhaps if the legal system had given due attention to the position of women who were sexually violence, Telma and Louise would not fall into such a predicising position. Unfortunately, this happens not only in the movie.

"All about Eva", 1950

Margo Channing is an aging star Broadway. Once a girlfriend Actress Karen leads to her dressing room a young girl Eve Harrington, dreaming of playing on theatrical stage and part-time large margot fan. The actress decides to take Eve to assistants, touched by her story, but over time understands that this is ready for all for the sake of overthrowing the star.

Almost everything in the picture holds on an excellent cast. Here and the stunning bette Davis with a cigarette in his hand, a decent angel outside and calculating inside Ann Baxter, kind Celasta Hill and touching Gary Merill. A stitched, ironic, poisonous dialogues, the film Joseph Leo Mankievich simultaneously is a satire on weaknesses and defects of the Broadway Theater and awe in the world of high art.

"His girl Friday", 1940

Walter Burns - chief editor of the newspaper The Morning Post. His former wife and best reporter Hilde Johnson comes to him to report his dismissal and the upcoming marriage. A man does not allow the former spouse to leave without a fight and offers to fulfill the last task - to interview the killer Earl Williams.

This crazy and dizzying comedy was remembered primarily the speed of pronounced words per minute. Some phrases specially imposed on each other to better demonstrate the features of journalistic work, where you need to quickly and efficiently do several things at the same time, including the dialogue. The bold journalist performed by Rosalind Russell is one of the brightest and independent female images. The heroine has demonstrated its ability to participate in the verbal duel with a man and win in it.

By the way, "his girl Friday" belongs to Comedy of Remarriage - the subgenuer of the American comedies of the 30-40s. This is the history of divorced partners who reunite, finding each other better qualities.

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"All about my mother", 1999

Until 2018 (the exit "Pain and Glory") Picture of Pedro Almodovar "All about my mother" was, perhaps, the most personal for the director who gives to motherhood.

Manuel is a single mother. After her son Esteban tragically died as a result of an accident, trying to get an autograph of one of his favorite actresses, a woman goes to Barcelona, ​​where hopes to find the prodigal father of the boy. Here she meets with three women who will become her new family: a prostitute agrade, a nun by the Rose and the Rose Theater.

All my life surrounded by women and brought up on the tapes of Bett Davis and Vivien Lee, Almodovar writes a love note to the old Hollywood - the ribbon is impregnated with references to "Everything about Eve" and "the tram" desire "." It is also a kind of continuation of his other picture - "Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown", but less caricature and more sensual. Gender belonging is completely irrelevant.

Almodovar himself explained: "The film primarily speaks of the appearance of a new creature, about motherhood, which becomes paternity, and vice versa."

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"Major", 2016

Created based on the novel Sarah Waters, the film follows us Suk Hee - a woman hired as a maid to a rich Japanese HiDeko. However, she has a secret. We are a pocket, recruited by Fujivara's cheater. He gives himself to the Japanese Count so that the servant helped him persuade HiDeko on a joint escape, where he could pick up all her condition, and the girl himself was locked in a crazy house. Everything goes according to plan until women get closer.

Full black humor, attention to detail and with an excellent visual, marked by a strong narrative "servant" avoids bloodshed, which so loves the author of the "trilogy about revenge" Pak Chhan-Cross. Instead, he offers an exciting story about women from different social, political and cultural layers, which unite forces and rebel against Patriarchate.

"Run, Lola, Run", 1998

Lole is calling the young man Manni - he left a huge bag with money in the subway, which was supposed to give gangster. Now he has only 20 minutes to find a way out of the current situation, and the girl promises to help him.

Throughout the film, Lola runs. On the way, she meets different characters, indirectly affecting their fate. Every time a girl scrolls the time to reverse and re-starts running, the future changes. Tom the Pumpkin flies in its own way over time. Lola seems to be in a video game - she is given so much chance as it is necessary to save the lover. The ribbon variable structure is one of its features, thanks to which the film creates a provocative dialogue about the will of a person who allows him to rebel against fate.

Fast frame change, combination of various image formats and dynamic rhythm help the viewer to feel the explosive energy picture, and the director himself - to experience the "possibilities of cinema".

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