Recent Scientific Data on Omega-3 for Health: For and Against


Many have heard that Omega-3 is necessary for the body. Therefore, almost every person who has decided to do sports and just caring for his health, thinks about the acquisition of this food additive. But is it safe?

Recent Scientific Data on Omega-3 for Health: For and Against 3641_1

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are needed to maintain good well-being. This additive is performed by miraculous properties. She is attributed to the strengthening of the heart and blood vessels, the breakdown of blood, the deliverance of cholesterol plaques.

Many argue that omega-3 can be used as a molar apple, also easily copes with depression and decay of forces. List all the beneficial properties of Omega-3 for a very long time. However, recent studies questioned the favor.

Recently, a lot of users have appeared on the network, saying that it makes no sense to spend on ochega-3, because it can be replaced by cheap linseed oil sold in every store or pharmacy. Is it so?

Is Omega-3 contain in linen oil?

Vegetable oils contain in large quantities of omega-6. But they cannot replace omega-3. To maintain health in the body there should be 3 parts of Omega-6 and one part of Omega-3. It is quite difficult to achieve this indicator, which is why modern people suffer from a variety of diseases.

Vegetarian people are especially exposed to this, in the diet of which a huge amount of plant food, but there are practically no food of animal origin. They believe that linen and other vegetable oils are an excellent source of omega-3.

But it is not at all. Such people should drink Omega-3, mined from algae. Alpha-linoleic acid can be obtained from vegetable oils, which fish and mammals can turn into fatty polyunsaturated acids.

Recent Scientific Data on Omega-3 for Health: For and Against 3641_2

Will there be enough alpha linoleic acid organism to maintain health

This acid carries undoubted benefits for the body. It binds free radicals, while helps build muscle tissue. And when interacting with creatine helps to improve the power indicators. But to compare it with long chain acids, of course, is not worth it.

You can get them from the products created using the fish of the cold seas. In the inhabitants of rivers and Omega-3 lakes are not contained. Those who want to be healthy, it is important to include Omega-3 in their diet.

Can Omega-3 get rid of heart problems

Recent studies have proven that not all useful properties can really be attributed to Omega-3. For example, the additive does not reduce the risk of mortality from heart attack and stroke. It does not help omega-3 and lose weight, although it has repeatedly declared that polyunsaturated acids are capable of getting rid of fat. Omega-3 is able to reduce blood pressure - it is really true.

Is it worth drinking omega-3

Doctors say that polyunsaturated acids are needed to us for life and health. If you do not use them, then the skin begins to grow quickly, the memory will deteriorate, weakens immunity, constant fatigue appears, the mood falls. Omega-3 cannot give people eternal life, but to extend it and improve health, quite in its power.

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