Biden joined the position of US President

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Today, the United States lives in one infoovode - the inauguration of President Joe Bayden. In the States, this event a priori is considered very important, but this time there is much more attention to it than usual. We will remind, only two weeks ago the Capitoli, on the steps of which today will pronounce the presidential oath Biden, was put the assault. Increased safety measures are introduced in Washington: the landing of the military, issued to them permission to wear weapons and restrictions on the travel. So, we tell how the preparation for the inauguration of Biden was prepared and what happens during the ceremony itself.

Recall, after the assault capitol, the FBI warned Americans about new possible acts of violence. Actually, this is the reason for strengthening security measures in Washington. The secret service takes responsibility, but this time to follow security along with it will be the Police of District Columbia and the National Guard.

We give a little digit to understand the situation. On the day of the inauguration of Trump in Washingon, 8 thousand National Guardians were present. This time their number will be increased to 25 thousand - it is five times more than the number of American soldiers placed in Iraq and Afghanistan. And here is another important feature: the Pentagon's servicemen allowed to carry weapons.

It is noted that one of the main goals of National Guardians - to provide the personnel dozens of CAT in the center of Washington. More than a dozen metro stations in the city will close, the number of trains in the metropolitan region will decrease, and the station will be at the stations.

As for the Capitol and the White House, the building will be fenced with wire all over the perimeter. After the oath, Biden and his vice-president, Harrick will switch to the eastern side of the Capitol, where the Supreme Commander will take a military parade. Then Biden will lay a wreath on Arlington Cemetery along with the ex-presidents Barack Obama, George Bush - younger and Bill Clinton. Trump, by the way, violates the tradition and will miss the inauguration of his rival in the elections.

In addition to the threat of violence, they do not forget about coronavir in the country. The Inauguration Committee asked Americans to stay at home because of a pandemic.

In general, it is not necessary to hope for a large crowd of fans on the national alley this time, Bideno does not have. It was decided that on the inauguration it will be replaced by 200 thousand exhibited along the alleys of American flags. Western media report that the number of guests who will be present when pronouncing the oath will not exceed 100 people. All of them will be masked, give the test for coronavirus and will be replicated according to the rules of distance.

Recall the inauguration of Joseph Biden and Vice President Camala Harris will take place at noon on January 20 at the steps of the Capitol. On Minsk time, the inauguration will begin at 19 o'clock.

In this material we will tell how the event passes.

Inauguration ceremony

Two hours before the start of the inauguration, it became known that Joe Biden arrived in the Capitol.

It is also reported that George Bush - Junior and Barack Obama arrived there.

In addition, there were reports that the US Supreme Court is evacuated due to the threat of an explosion.

So, Kamala Harris has already descended along the steps of the Capitol. The ceremony will begin with its inauguration. Recall, Harris will be the first woman - vice president.

Biden and his wife also arrived in the Capitol. A couple met loud applause.

The inauguration ceremony began. Now in front of those present are the rival of Baiden on the primaries of Democrats, Amy Kobobushar and Senator Roy Blante. They talk about coronavirus pandemic, and also add that you need to work in the name of strengthening democracy, and the United States to try to give an example and be the best.

Lady Gaga appeared on the inauguration. She performed the anthem of the United States. After the speech, the singer conducted applause and met Jennifer Lopez. She performed the unofficial anthem of the United States "This Earth is your land." Lopez added in Spanish the words of the oath to the loyalty of the United States: "The United Indicative Nation with Freedom and Justice for All".

Kamala Harris brighten. She joined the position of the 49th US Vice President.

Next, Joseph Biden brought the oath and entered the position of the 46th president of the United States. This news, those present met with applause. Now he utters a traditional speech.

Biden in the inaugural speech said that democracy won the day of history, hopes and updates. He also promised to defeat racism, be the "president of all Americans" and called them after the separation of "Start re-". Separately, he mentioned that Kamala Harris is the first woman at the post of vice president.

- It's day of America. This is a day of democracy, "said Biden at the beginning of his speech. He recalled the assault of the Capitol in early January and noted that the value of American democracy emphasized the value. - We again learned that democracy is valuable. And at this hour, my friends, democracy enthusiasm.

Biden also said that America will restore the union and will again communicate with the world. After that, he announced a minute of silence in memory of 400 thousand victims of Coronavirus in America.

By the way, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has already congratulated Biden in his Twitter.

- Congratulations to Joe Bayden and Cama Harris! Best regards in your work, we will be happy to cooperate with you in the development of relations between Belarus and the USA! - she wrote.

After Biden, several more people were made. The ceremony of leading the oath of the president and the vice-president ends. So the four-year presidential period of Joe Bayden and Vice-President Camala Harris begins.

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