"Such a mess I observe only in Nizhny Tagil": residents about the work of public transport


Residents of Nizhny Tagil are dissatisfied with the work of public transport. Relevant complaints appear in social networks almost daily. In particular, the citizens complain about non-compliance with the schedule, the Hamsk relationship from drivers and antisanitia in the buses themselves.

«46 Route. After working in the evening, do not leave at all! They are or simply no, or they go full and do not stop! You have to sit on 4l and ride through the city and all I'll have to get to the house !!! And they are brazen ... We are going only to the Urals! ", - writes Tatyana in Publik" PE Nizhny Tagil ".

"The drivers of 50 route, drew attention, generally lost nuhh. It was repeatedly encountered that he was passing for 2-3 bus, a complete stop (among Russia), everyone tries to smell his hand ... And she drove only his finger shows that they say the next stop, and empty goes on. And people are bothering, or in the rain stand. And there even an equipped stop there is no stop, and from the rain there is no place to hide, for example, to enter the nearest store is not an option, because you risk skipping the next bus ... which makes the same gesture and removes "in the sunset". Disgrace in general, "- indignant owned in the public" incident of Nizhny Tagil ".

"What schedule ?? What we are talking about. They spoiled everything to this schedule. In accordance with it, you can travel when all buses on the route. The 32nd passengers are waiting for 30-50 minutes. The interval between them on the schedule is 9 minutes, i.e. Buses must be at least 10. And on the fact of 4 buses on the line (drivers say so). Therefore, we are waiting for 40 minutes. It is useless to contact the city administration (they do not go on buses). I applied ... sent me away .. probably another 40 min wait a bus in the frost. Said complain to the carrier. The conversation is short, "writes Olesya.

Similar complaints come from passengers of most areas of the city.

"That's earlier in our city, ordinary minibuses went to your reform. They traveled quite often and there were no problems! Almost constantly drove! And everyone suited everyone! And then, for some reason, these stupid pubs, and even the intervals increased three times! Now these pazes are all complete go from the mine itself, because drivers from the scene will not be moved until the full interior is. Here you are coronavirus restrictions ... At Tagilstroy, you will also do not reach normally, especially in the evening. And on the tagil stroke, you will not even sit down normally. For many years, the scheme of the movement of the routes was developed and everything worked, and then they suddenly took and painted, ponoptimized, and all for their benefits, not at all thinking about people! Why did you need to unite? Maybe at all leave only 10 routes to the whole city!? Horror is complete! About people in Nizhny Tagil do not think at all. And what do you not please the minibuses? Return them back, please, at least on the 23rd route! ", - Indoor Tagilchanin.

Bus №19 from Aist to the city. The driver has already stopped stopping - simply there was no place

Many noted that such a situation with public transport only in Nizhny Tagil.

"Such a mess with public transport while I only observe in Tagil. Schedules do not stick, stops pass. The administration is only unsubscribed and sends with complaints to the schedule disorders, "Valery writes in Public Typical Tagilchanin.

Indeed, in the mayor's office for all complaints correspond to a template message with telephone numbers of transport companies, and requests to check for already specified facts ignore.

Recall, at the beginning of 2020, the administration conducted a large-scale reform of routes, promising that it will have a positive effect on the work all the transport system. At the end of 2020, Nizhny Tagil purchased 17 buses. According to the mayor of Vladislav Pinayeva, one new will replace two old minibuses.

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