Vaccines from COVID-19: Panacea or new problem?

Vaccines from COVID-19: Panacea or new problem? 3260_1

The main agenda of the day of 2020 is Coronavirus, which literally put on his knees the whole world. In 2021, the topic of protection against a pandemic was published on the first newspapers. And if recently the appearance of vaccines or medication from COVID-19 was presented as a panacea, now this statement is questioned. Why? - Read more about it in the magazine

Why is the world community doubt the vaccines from coronavirus?

The arms race changed the vaccine race. The last loud news that shook the world is also associated with COVID-19. Everyone was so waiting for European and American vaccines, and it happened ... What happened. So, in December 2020, Europe approved the use of vaccine from companies "Biontech" and "Pfizer". A little later, another vaccine was added to this drug - from the company "Moderna". So what happened? And the fact that after vaccination began to die people. 55 people died in the United States ... the same thing is in Norway.

Vaccines from COVID-19: Panacea or new problem? 3260_2
@MarkusWinkler /

Here is another case: in the US, a 66-year-old resident of the nursing home in Colorado, having received a vaccine from COVID-19, felt drowsiness and weakness. He lay in bed all day, and the next one - died. In January 2021, Norway's authorities reported the death of 23 people after vaccination with the drug from companies Biontech and Pfizer. After that, local doctors began to warn the danger of the use of vaccine by people over 80 years old. Note that the vaccination process here began at the end of December 2020. The first in Norway began to instill older people and guests of nursing homes. The first deaths from the vaccine were fixed in Oslo. It should be emphasized that six people died six people when testing vaccines from Biontech, "Pfizer" and "Moderna". At the same time, two cases were recorded in the vaccinated group, and four in the placebo group.

When will the pandemic end and will the vaccine help?

The topic of the vaccine is closely related to the event we are still waiting for. Yes, we are talking about the completion of the coronavirus pandemic and removal of restrictions. It is known that in the near future some countries may begin massive vaccinations from Coronavirus. The European Union and the United States expect to take on this process at the beginning of the 2021st year - immediately after registering vaccines and the beginning of their large-scale production. Russia has already registered two vaccines of their own production. Well, Ukraine can still count on only a few million doses of Covax in the first half of this year. So, the question arises: what vaccines from COVID-19 today are the most effective and what they differ?

Next, we analyze the most sensory world vaccines from coronavirus, as well as we give a list of their advantages and disadvantages. In his conclusions, we relied on the opinion of the Russian immunologist, the candidate of Medical Sciences Nikolai Kryuchkov. In particular, he compared the preparations from COVID-19 to the following criteria:

  • Quality and clinical properties of the vaccine;
  • ease and accessibility in the production of the drug;
  • Standardization of the means;
  • Storage and transportation of vaccine.
Vaccines from COVID-19: Panacea or new problem? 3260_3
@CDC / No. 1. Vaccine from companies "Biontech" and "Pfizer"

While the most effective vaccine remained, which was developed by Biontech and Pfizer (USA and Germany). "Pfizer" is one of the global pharmaceutical giants, having a half-hearted history. By the way, during World War II, the company earned millions of dollars for sale ... Penicillina! During the final stage of the test, its effectiveness was estimated at 95%, regardless of the age and gender of vaccinated people. About 44 thousand people took part in studies. Vaccine of Pfizer is a RNA vaccine. This means that a fragment of the human genetic code is introduced into the human body, which in a collision with the virus causes an immune response and protects a person from infection. You need to enter two doses at the interval of three weeks. 28 days after vaccine vaccination will be able to protect against the virus. By the way, this vaccine was originally most liked by Nikolai Kryukkov. However, it was before they announced the number of deaths she caused.

Pluses of Vaccine from "Biontech" and "Pfizer"
  1. The risk to infect coronavirus after receiving the vaccination is 90-95% lower than without vaccine.
  2. The drug passed tests on a large number of people.
  3. Vaccine during research has demonstrated high efficiency in all groups - regardless of age, race and gender.
Cons Vaccine from "Biontech" and "Pfizer"
  1. Vaccine requires very low temperatures for its storage (-70o C). At the same time, if the drug is defrosting, it is suitable for use for only five days.
  2. All Western vaccines differ in one - for many people, however, the most important thing is the disadvantage: they are very expensive. So, for this vaccine, the estimated price is 25-37 dollars per dose. And for the full vaccination, you will need two such doses.
  3. Vaccine, as it turned out lately, does not like to vaccinate the elderly. In addition, some experts began to have doubts about the real effectiveness of the drug.
  4. There is one point that the specialists felt almost from the very beginning: in the Vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer, an innovative technology was used, which was never approved for vaccination of people. We are talking about the use of exclusively matrix RNA of the virus.
Vaccines from COVID-19: Panacea or new problem? 3260_4 No. 2. Vaccine from the company "Moderna"

The vaccine that the American company "Moderna" has developed, has 94.1% of efficiency, and with severe cases of the disease - 100%. More than 30,000 volunteers took part in the tests. What is the feature of this vaccine? So, the developers explain: the drug contains a fragment of the genetic code, the "training" human immune system to recognize the virus. That is, the vaccine is not made on the basis of the virus. There is a Vaccine "Moderna" as well as the drug "Pfizer": you need two doses that will begin to protect a person in 28 days. True, some people who closely follow the novelties of pharmacology, make a refinement: it is interesting that Moderna has created such an effective drug today, because it has not registered new drugs for ten years!

Pros vaccine from "Moderna"
  1. High efficiency of the drug (94.1-94.5%).
  2. A large number of people who participated in the clinical trials of the vaccine.
  3. Given the peculiarity of the vaccine (the fact that it is not based on the virus itself), it is eliminated by the probability of infection with coronavirus during vaccination.
  4. Convenience Storage: Vaccine can be stored under standard conditions designed for vaccines.
Minuses of Vaccine from "Moderna"
  1. This vaccine, of course, is a bit cheaper than a similar drug from companies Biontech and Pfizer, but still expensive: 19.5 dollars per dose.
  2. Probably, this drug is also poorly suitable for vaccination of the elderly.
  3. A large interval between two vaccinations. This causes the American authorities to think about a radical step: to narrow the interval between two vaccinations in order to accelerate the vaccination process in such a way.
Vaccines from COVID-19: Panacea or new problem? 3260_5 no. 3. Vaccine from Astrazeneca

Vaccine, developed in the UK by Astrazeneca (together with the University of Oxford), is shown 70% of efficiency. About 23 thousand volunteers took part in the tests. Vaccine uses Viral vector, it is created on the basis of the coronavirus genome. After vaccination in the human body, a special protein is formed, which helps the immune system to recognize coronavirus. The vaccine of these developers has an undoubted advantage - the price. One dose will cost only about 3 dollars. Also, AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines can also be stored and transported at temperatures from +2 to + 8 ° C for at least six months.

Pros vaccine from "Astrazeneca"
  1. The relatively cheap price of the drug: As we mentioned above, the developers plan to sell this vaccine at a price of 3 dollars per dose or $ 5 for two doses.
  2. Ease of storage and transportation of vaccine.
  3. Efficiency and lack of cases of hospitalization after the administration of the drug (according to the Vaccine Developer).
Minuses of Vaccine from "Astrazeneca"
  1. Tests of the effectiveness of the drug showed strange results: from 70% to 90%. The vaccine demonstrated higher results when introducing the first vaccination with a smaller dosage. This forced the developers to appoint additional studies of the vaccine.
  2. Astrazeneca is accused of the fact that it actually united in one report two radically different studies (this is due to the fact that the promising scheme with the introduction of 1.5 dose of the vaccine was tested on a too small number of people).
  3. The drug was not tested on people older than 55 years. It is not known how the result will lead the vaccination of the elderly.
Vaccines from COVID-19: Panacea or new problem? 3260_6 no. 4. Vaccine named after M. P. Chumakov

In the Russian Federation, two vaccines have already been developed and registered and registered. At the same time, the "satellite V" (from the center of the Gamalei) and "Epivakkoron" (from the Scientific Center "Vector") showed the effectiveness of 95% and 100%, respectively. The third vaccine is from the center of Chumakov - will be launched in civil turnover in March 2021. Deputy General Director of the Center for Project Activities and Innovations - Konstantin Chernov - stressed that more than fifty species of protein found in the coronavirus genome. This explains the need for comprehensive protection that the vaccine should be provided. In the center of Chumakov, the so-called solid-divine vaccine is developed. This means that the Coronavirus SARS-COV-2 is based on the preparation. However, this virus was processed in such a way that he lost its infectious properties. In this case, its ability to cause the body's immune response is preserved. By the way, now the level of doubt in Russian vaccines is gradually falling. So, if earlier the World Health Organization (WHO) denied the significance of the same "satellite V", now WHO representatives advocate the acceleration of the certification procedure of this drug.

Pros of Russian vaccines
  1. Spanish journalist Federico Cusco expressed the opinion that the Russian Vaccine "Satellite V" will be able to suppress the coronavirus pandemic. This is contrary to the fact that the West perceived the appearance of this vaccine is extremely cold and even skeptical.
  2. Russian vaccines are relatively inexpensive - certainly cheaper than European and American drugs. Federico Cusco emphasizes that Western pharmaceutical laboratories "impose their medicines at astronomical prices." The Russian Vaccine "Satellite V" costs 10 dollars per dose (for the external market) and 1942 rubles (for the domestic market).
  3. These drugs have a more acceptable storage and transport temperature.
Cons of Russian vaccines
  1. Some experts declare that the third phase of the tests of Russian vaccines is not completed, as it covers the insufficient number of people under test.
  2. The lack of a control group receiving placebo, when testing the Vaccine "Satellite V".
  3. In some people who received the vaccine, a side symptom was manifested in the form of a temperature of 40.2О S.
Vaccines from COVID-19: Panacea or new problem? 3260_7


Of course, this is not all vaccines. Moreover, their list is constantly updated. The world community considers it a positive feature, because then people will have a choice of which vaccine from coronavirus. And what drug would you choose? Share with us your comments, and also do not miss what beauty trends will be in mind in 2021! And then all vaccines da vaccines ?

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