Scientists approached the creation of a new quantum gravity theory


Classic physics models are the laws of Newton's movement and the general theory of the relativity of Einstein suggest that such properties of the object as a position and movement are absolute. These theories are the crown of the achievements of modern physics, describing the nature exquisite, but separately. OTO deals with large familiar objects and events of the Universe, while quantum mechanics covers an invisible and strange microworld, where two particles separated by thousands of light years can instantly respond to each other's movements. These two theoretical world, a certain classic and indefinite quantum, work extremely good. Classic for large massive objects, such as baseball balls and planets, and quantum for small light objects, such as atoms and molecules. However, both of these approaches are crumbling when we are trying to study massive, but small objects, for example, the internal device of black holes or the observed universe shortly after a large explosion. But why?

Scientists approached the creation of a new quantum gravity theory 3255_1
A new approach can identify the connection between gravity and quantum mechanics

How the universe is arranged

Gravity is the first fundamental force, the existence of which recognized humanity, but it still remains the least understandable. Physics can predict the effect of gravity on bowling balls, stars and planets with exceptional accuracy, but no one knows how this force interacts with the smallest particles or quanta. Perhaps it is not surprising that the creation of a quantum theory describing how the smallest particles of the Universe interact with each other, scientists have left the century. Many believed that one gravitational set of rules should manage all galaxies, quarks and what is between them.

To establish a radical new approach to the definition of how our universe is arranged at the fundamental level, scientists appealed to advanced studies in the field of quantum computing and quantum technologies. Recently, an international expert group led by researchers from the University of Nottingham has demonstrated that only quantum, and not classical gravity can be used to create a specific information component required for quantum computing.

See also: What is the general theory of Einstein's relativity?

"During this time, they developed two fundamentally opposite approaches called" quantum gravity "and" classical gravity ". However, the complete absence of experimental data means that physicists do not know which approach actually uses a comprehensive theory. Our study provides an experimental approach to solving this problem, "- the authors of the study published in the magazine PHYSICAL REVIEW JOURNAL.

Scientists approached the creation of a new quantum gravity theory 3255_2
When you want to learn how the gravity of a massive star twists the light, then take the textbook on theoretical physics from OTO. But if your goal is to figure out how electrons move through a computer chip, you will have to take a textbook on quantum mechanics.

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New quantum gravity theory

Since in the course of the new study, experts in the field of quantum computing, quantum gravity and quantum experiments worked together, they managed to detect an unexpected connection between the regions of quantum calculations and quantum gravity and even use it to offer a new experimental way to verify that there is a quantum, and Not classic gravity.

The proposed experiment, as writes, is the cooling of billions of atoms in a spherical trap of millimeter size to extremely low temperatures. It is in such conditions that atoms are transmitted to a state called the condensate Bose Einstein and begin to behave consistently, as if one large quantum atom. Then to the "Atom" so that he felt only his own gravitational attraction, the magnetic field is applied.

The authors of scientific work noted that if their quantum gravity theory is true, then certain inconsistencies will be observed in the change characteristics of the system. It is noteworthy that the experiment should take place in the very near future, since scientists already have all the necessary technology for it. If everything goes well, then after more than one hundred years of research, physics, finally, will receive information about the true comprehensive, fundamental theory of nature, the very theory of all.

Scientists approached the creation of a new quantum gravity theory 3255_3
Gravitational waves generated by the merge of neutron stars performed by the artist. The primary universe is another source of gravitational waves, which, if detecting, can help physicists develop a quantum theory of gravity.

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Dr. Marios Christodul from the Hong Kong University, who participated in this collaboration, added: "This study is especially interested, since the proposed experiment is also associated with a more philosophical idea that the Universe behaves like a huge quantum computer that calculates itself, demonstrating that quantum Space-time fluctuations are a huge natural resource for quantum computing. " Well, let's wait. Who knows, perhaps the world stands on the verge of a new, amazing discovery.

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