Trading Platforms: Development Vector

Trading Platforms: Development Vector 3159_1

Over the past year, the coronavirus pandemic touched upon all the spheres of our life. Not an exception and investment market. On the one hand, the volatility of financial instruments increased, the economy has become less stable. And on the other hand, people spend a lot of time and seek new classes for themselves. As a result, many of them - replenish the ranks of traders, starting to invest money in securities through online trading platforms.

And the increased demand is spurring companies working in the field of financial technology, to seek and find new interesting decisions.

Trading platforms yesterday and today

Another thirty years ago, such questions did not arise: most transactions even between professionals were just a voice, on the usual telephone. All the technology has come down to how to record negotiations on special devices with large bobins, so that no one can ever go to the opponent. Who started working in Diging at that time remembers how the tape film was charged in the morning.

The next step in the development of financial technologies was electronic trading platforms. In the securities market, the operations began to be carried out simply through the computer connected to the network of the exchange. Next, applications for purchases and sales converged in the window on a certain total digital that suits both parties, and the operation fell into an account of account. Although at the initial stage, customers had to give brokerage orders still, by phone, but it continued not long.

Today, brokers do not see and do not hear not only each other, but also those who use their services. All transactions occur exclusively in digital format. Nowadays, customers have received opportunities comparable to 5-10 years old brokers. Their applications are exhibited directly to the site through brokerage servers that are connected to the Exchange Server. Users see real quotes, purchase offers and for sale, as well as volumes - directly from the stock exchange.

Future Trading Platforms

Most importantly, what happened - trading has become more democratic. Customers today are the widest range of people. It is really available and easy to access and start performing operations.

Someone independently controls its savings, finding in the purchase of securities alternative to bank deposits with low rates. Some strategies allowed people to start their own accumulative programs for the future, up to the construction of their own pension plans.

And someone began to use access to stock exchanges as an option gambling, a kind of casino without deception, because it is very difficult to influence quotes on the exchanges for manipulation, too large means are needed, and it is illegal.

But this is all - not the limit of the capabilities of platforms for trading. Development continues, and today we can speak immediately about several new trends, the development of Fintech in this area.

Trading and Social Sphere

It would seem that people are sitting at their monitors, and everyone here plays exclusively for themselves. However, in practice, the response in recent years is becoming a return trend. Conventionally, it can be called the socialization of trading.

Within the framework of this approach, it was originally the platforms that separated by the distance market participants were able to discuss what was happening. But then brokerage companies went even further: they offered their customers to track and repeat the most successful strategies for experienced and well-known traders, of course, in their consent.

Pioneers in this area have become companies such as Etoro, Tipranks, Zulutrade. They received fame thanks to the options added to trade platforms to conclude transactions using "collective mind", mirror transactions or direct copying of someone's operations in the stock market.

Trading robots

The second popular topic for financial innovation is the creation of trading robots. There are developments based on mathematical analysis of the past. As well as on technologies to create artificial intelligence, self-learning systems.

In this segment of the greatest fame, such developers achieved such developers as the Bloom company, specializing in conservative portfolio management and tax planning or WealthFront with its product "Pass" - "Pass", "Pass", which is based on modern knowledge in the field of economics to obtain maximum profits With the simultaneous automatic calculus of taxes.

The scale of investment in platforms for trading

Today, global investment banks as JP Morgan or Goldman Sache are considered to be leaders on investments in this area as JP Morgan or Goldman Sache.

Among the latest deals in this segment can be called the purchase of the Goldman Sache company United Capital, which controls assets in its system in the amount of more than $ 18 billion. The name is more than a successful platform used for trading - FINLIFE CX.

And the most popular trading platforms today are considered to be RobinHood - one of the youngest, TD Ameritrade is the largest, with 11.5 million bills and assets worth more than 1.32 trillion dollars, MetaTrader, a system that is often used as well as Russian brokers in the international market. Forex.

But what is really worth paying attention to Russian investors is that it is always possible not only to make your bets on the green clove of the stock market. Investments in Fintech are an opportunity to enter the capital of the casino itself, investing money into promising startups in the field of finance.

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