"You kill it." Fili residents demand to restore the estate of the Naryshkin XVIII century


The estate of Naryshkina, located in the Filevsky Park and looking at the windows to the bank of the Moscow River, - the object of the cultural heritage, which is now in private property.

In all his long history, the building was burning several times and rebuilt again (1817, 1976). The last fire in it occurred in 2014, already under the current owner. The estate has long been prescribed to restore, but the owner, they say the inhabitants, it is not in a hurry at all, and in the meantime the wind and soon can collapse finally.

TV channel "Moscow 24" Representative of the owner Grant Gaitsakov says that the project for restoration, and dreams for the adaptation under modern needs have long been there. Thus, the facades need to be put in order, and inside the wellness complex with a spa sauna and a banquet hall that will be profitable, including to maintain a monument in good condition.

Local residents consider the building with a symbol of the district and argue that in the Western district of monuments and so units. Therefore, they are very indignant to the state of both the main building, and two relatives to it, they are very indignant: the manor lost the decor and suffered greatly as a result of fires, and the quality of internal works raises questions. Activists are confident: the estate needs if not to restore immediately, then at least take the necessary measures to stop its destruction.

But not everything is so simple. According to Moscow 24, the building was privatized by a foreign company in 1994, and then transferred to offshore. Since 2008, a federal property management agency has been sued with the owner of the "revolt Valt Inc." - it wants to return the object to the city, but the statute of limitations, within which it would be possible, already expired. The monument is told about the attempts of state to get a monument to both the company - Gaitsakov mentions that there were conversations about different scenarios: and on the exchange with the state to another building, and the sale of the estate to another owner. However, more than 15 years so nothing happened.

Now the owner claims that work on the territory of the monument is allowed to be held until August 2023 (this is confirmed by documents). However, the restoration, on the prescription of the Moscow City Court, was supposed to end in 2019 - for non-fulfillment of these obligations, the Department of Cultural Heritage issued a fine.

Photo: @Serguei Lossiakov

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