Morning Digest KN: On the fate of the Communist from the special receivers, about mass fraud signatures and about whom the hat condemned

Morning Digest KN: On the fate of the Communist from the special receivers, about mass fraud signatures and about whom the hat condemned 294_1

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

In Kaluga, the assistant deputy lost his position after participating in protest

As we have already reported, Assistant deputy of the Kaluga Gorduma Konstantin Larionov for participating in an unauthorized protest action on January 23, they were arrested for 11 days under the Article Administration of the Russian Federation ("Organization of mass simultaneous stay and (or) movement of citizens in public places that caused a violation of public order").

After the arrest of the activist, the head of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party Marina Kostin told the Kaluga News that Larionov's picket is not related to the party. Kaluchain himself later stressed that he went to the action "As a citizen of his country, but not delegate from the party."

On February 3, Larionov came out of the special receivers to freedom, and the next day on his page Vkontakte said that from February 4 is no longer a deputy assistant. This decision, according to a young man, was mutual.

The deputy of the city Duma Kaluga, the head of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Commmitioned "Kaluga news", withdrawal from Konstantin Larionov's assistant deputy.

As Kostina told us, she wrote about the deprivation of his assistant this status on January 23. The Assistant of the Deputy, the young man ceased to be since February 4, as he said in social networks, and in January. The reason for the leader of Kaluga communists to take such a step is the loss of confidence.

Larionov, according to Kostina, rudely broke the data of the installation and instructions. Instead of working strictly within the boundaries of the direction defined by him - Kaluga playgrounds, "he went beyond the powers, participating in unauthorized rallies and calling for the participation of other Kaluzhan. On the inadmissibility of such behavior, Kostin told, a young man, one-party warned on the eve of the action.

Kostina also stressed that the Communist Party does not approve of the participation of party members and citizens in such illegal events.

In Kaluga, the owners of the housing announced a massive fake of their signatures

As we wrote earlier, Sergey Portnov, director of one of Kaluga managers, serving several houses on Khrustal Street, was addressed to the editor. Portnov argues that a number of the Criminal Code of the regional center are illegally transferred to their homes under the management of its organization. For this, they, according to Portorov, are not neglected even with a massive fake of tenants.

The head of the State Housing Inspection of the Kaluga Region, Alexey Dulishkovich, told the "Kaluga news", that with what is happening around the Criminal Code "is familiar, but these questions are already outside of its powers.

Today we received an official explanation from GGA on the situation with the houses on Crystal.

In the inspection stated that the Criminal Code is currently continuing to manage these houses.

In addition, Gezhi reported that they were received by the appeals of citizens living in these apartment buildings, on the issue of signatures.

In falsification of solutions and protocols of general meetings of the owners of housing, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is now dealt with.

Shapshu condemned the ex-deputy asked to cut the trees from the gym for the sake of parking

The Governor of the Kaluga region spoke in relation to the ex-deputy of Sergey Promina, asked to cut the trees from the gymnasium for the sake of parking.

As the "lift" writes, Vladislav Shapha said that there is no longer a relation to power to power, and in general it was a "private initiative".

We are talking about a court with a journalist of one of the Kaluga publications - Oksana Ivanova. She wrote about the cutting of trees near the gymnasium. Allegedly, the decision was made by the deputies of Gordum, so that it was more convenient to park at the building, where their children learn.

Now one of them is the former deputy Sergey Poddin - trying to recover from Oksana Ivanova 163,512 rubles compensation. So much is a year of studying in a private school, where Pocated to transferred his child after the scandal.

The draft schedule of the exam in 2021 has been published

The unified State Exam this year will begin with tests on geography, literature and chemistry. They are scheduled to 31 May. This was reported by the press service of Rosobrnadzor.

But the most massive exam in the Russian language will be held in two days: on June 3 and 4, "the text of the Office of the Office leads to RIA Novosti.

In 2021, the EGE will be held within two periods: the main (from May 31 to July 2) and additional (from July 12 to 17). The exam in profile mathematics was scheduled for June 7, on history and physics - on June 11, according to social studies - on June 15, on the biology and written part of the Unified State Execution of Foreign Languages ​​- on June 18.

The oral part of the exam in foreign languages ​​will be held on June 21 and 22. The exam in computer science and ICT was also divided for two days. Graduates will be tested for the first time on computers on April 24 and 25.

Reserve days for passing the exam in the main period: 28, June 29 and July 2. In an additional period, the test will be held 12, July 13 and 14. Reserve day - July 17th.

All-Russian population census moved due to pandemic

All-Russian population census will be held in September.

The Government of the Russian Federation supported the transfer of reversal of renovation in connection with the epidemiological situation. On the transfer of deadlines, the deputy head of Rosstat Pavel Smellov at Briefing on Friday, February 5th.

According to the mediathis of the All-Russian census of the population, the transfer of the census deadlines was due to the epiditational and in this regard, September 2021 is considered as a "window of possibilities" for all necessary events.

It is also reported that for the first time the census will be carried out in a digital format. The main innovation will be the opportunity to independently fill the electronic census list on the "State Service" portal. The correspondencers will use the tablets at around when walking, and it will also be possible to undergo a census in the census sites, including in the premises of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services "My Documents".

3.6 million did not pay doctors from Obninsk for working with cowid patients.

Health workers of the Obninsk KB No. 8 of the FMBA of Russia did not pay stimulating payments for working with patients who had a new COVID-19 coronavirus infection. It turned out during the prosecutor's check.

According to the press service of the regional prosecutor's office, the surcharges did not receive 226 medical workers totaling 3.6 million rubles.

After making a department of submission to the head of the CB No. 8, the debt to doctors was fully repaid.

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